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Everything posted by ben@ledbylies.com

  1. Hi, I'm trying to script a gamemode/mission that will persist objects, locations, resources, etc when all the players are disconnected or when the dedicated server restarts. I made the assumption based on what I was able to find online that I should be creating a struct hold the data and then I would select that struct in the SaveLoad component. I've created a test struct that inherits from SCR_JsonApiStruct and I placed it in Scripts\GameMode\SaveLoad (and tried some other locations) but it won't show up as selectable in the SaveLoad component. I'm a C# dev for work so I thought I had a good handle on how this would work but I guess the components are throwing me. Does anyone know what I'm missing or have a link to anywhere this might be documented? Thanks, Ben
  2. ben@ledbylies.com

    Persistence using SaveLoad

    Update: Just had a bit of a lightbulb moment and looked at the Reforger folder structure. For anyone that finds this in the future it needs to be in: scripts\Game\GameMode\SaveLoad