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About ell-

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  1. Being able to peek around obstacles without exposing yourself functions a lot like a wallhack. Players sit and watch from the maze of structures around capture points in 3rd person and effortlessly pop out and kill you as you approach. It leads to a lot of cheap deaths and completely ruins the dynamics of firefights. Arma is a series that prides itself on realistic infantry combat, why is this behavior still sanctioned by the developers? Please make official Reforger PVP servers 1st person only. Excellent video by Dslyecxi demonstrating the problem:
  2. I'm having fun with this game, but my experience is constantly being ruined by griefers teamkilling, dismantling friendly base structures, spamming soundboards on enemy radio and spawncamping main base. Having an public Arma 4 testbed so rife with griefers that it turns people away defeats a lot of it's purpose. I think it's time to divert some development time and effort to get a system in place to deal with these individuals once and for all. I propose the following: - A cronological log of player offenses to assist all players to individually identify a griefer and report and/or votekick him. Should include friendly fire, friendly fire kills and base dismantling. Browsable through the player menu, per player or compounded. - A proper votekick function. You can initiate a votekick with the current one, but there is no input or progress feedback, noone knows if their votes are going through or if it's close to succeeding. - Ideally, someone at Bohemia Interactive should go through the official votekick logs and issue bans. These individuals have a large impact, but they are few. The workload should be modest and impactful. - For Arma 4, a system where the player ID can be tied to the purchase should be implemented if possible, I've been told that is currently not the case and that griefers can create alternate accounts on Xbox.