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NFG WhatHiMean

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Everything posted by NFG WhatHiMean

  1. I am trying to spawn in preset mini missions on mission start using the script from this post I'm not %100 I set this up correctly but I followed the instructions as best as I could and I wasn't able to get it working. This is more complicated then the stuff I've been doing so far and I'm still learning so sorry for any dumb questions. I've also looked at this post which is basically what I want, I found the post above from here Anyways on to my actual issues, I get this error loading the mission in the editor saying This is how I'd like to use the function in my own script, real simple, I just want to pick a random marker and then spawn the composition on said marker one time. I made and run a mission in a pvp scenario with some friends who memorize and prioritize targets like, the enemy artillery. So unless I can make it dynamic enough to change spawn locations the balancing of the mission is fucked up in two or three runs. I have read through the posts multiple times and read through every comment to see what issues other people have had and found nothing that worked for me. Any help would be greatly appreciated as this seems to be the only way to spawn in things like triggers or modules with all settings intact and functioning. I've looked around online for a while now and I can't find a way to spawn in compositions while keeping data like trigger settings, not just object variable names and similar simple data. Thanks in advance! To make sure I have the install correct, these are the other files larrow had me add/change description.ext The full LARs\spawnComp\functions\ file structure with all the fn_~~~.sqf files and other nested files. All of this is placed in the root mission folder and should be in place according to larrows post
  2. NFG WhatHiMean

    Help with spawning compositions script

    Nothing can ever be easy, after we fixed the first pos error, now it's a direction error
  3. NFG WhatHiMean

    Help with spawning compositions script

    The file structure is how larrows said in their post, it appears I got it working by removing a snippet of not completely necessary code. The code looks like it checks that the position is valid and not at [0, 0, 0] so as long as the markers are correct and/or I manually check to make sure they spawn right, it should be fine. I'll just have to keep in mind that bit of error checking is no longer in there and I have to manually do it. That's fine by me I just want this to work so I can move on in my mission making lol
  4. NFG WhatHiMean

    Help with spawning compositions script

    After removing this, && { getMarkerPos _compPos != [0,0,0] } from larrows script which looks like it checks if the position is valid and not at 0,0,0 it seems to be working
  5. NFG WhatHiMean

    Help with spawning compositions script

    Yes, the markers are just like this, only change is name and placement around the map
  6. NFG WhatHiMean

    Help with spawning compositions script

    Larrow says everything other name the name is optional so apart from the incorrect formatting of offset I thought I was good. Not sure why ignore atloffset was true too Still getting this error, can't tell if it's a issue on my part or the script (probably me tho)
  7. NFG WhatHiMean

    Help with spawning compositions script

    This is a snippet of code where the error is at I am using empty markers, could that be a issue?
  8. NFG WhatHiMean

    Help with spawning compositions script

    Ty I have changed to that however once I tried the mission I received this error
  9. NFG WhatHiMean

    Help with spawning compositions script

    Yeah, I've been using notepad++ for a few years now with my on/off coding experience. I only recently got into the scripting side of arma mission making, so I defined the sqf language for ++ and it seems to be working well.
  10. NFG WhatHiMean

    Help with spawning compositions script

    Ahh interesting alright, ty
  11. NFG WhatHiMean

    Help with spawning compositions script

    New error, I did check my description.ext and it should be defined as a function not sure why it can't see that tho
  12. NFG WhatHiMean

    Help with spawning compositions script

    Ty, ngl I was high when I was first looking into this so half of what I have was written / researched by high me lmao
  13. NFG WhatHiMean

    Help with spawning compositions script

    Ty I'll try and track it down then and find the specific issue
  14. NFG WhatHiMean

    Help with spawning compositions script

    I see, the commented out "Name that the composition is spawned by" confused me, reading it again it makes more sense lol. When I go to call the spawn function I use the class name "ArtyMission" in this case right?
  15. NFG WhatHiMean

    Help with spawning compositions script

    so just from starting the mission I get both of these errors Either I messed up the marker placement OR the script itself is broken IDK 😕
  16. NFG WhatHiMean

    Help with spawning compositions script

    Tyty like I said in the op I'm not a very good scripter, so if you'd explain why do I need the //?
  17. NFG WhatHiMean

    Eden Composition Spawning

    Ignore this comment, I decided to make my own post about my issues/errors/questions for more in-depth q/a without spamming this post. If you're looking for my issues and answers about them here's the post link
  18. I'm attempting to make a script for dynamic civ vehicle spawns in a city, right now I have my idea down on how I want to do it but I can't implement it properly. I'm still new to scripting and can't figure out exactly what I'm doing wrong here. Thanks for the help in advance! I'm kinda lost atm, maybe I've been working on this too long lol
  19. Thanks, guess I'm not very good at searching lol
  20. This is super helpful! Love the comments! 🙂 I realize now that I didn't implement it the way I wanted it. I plan to run this script for multiple cities and I want only one or two vehicles to spawn instead of every marker spawning. Quick other question is there a way to change the loading screen from whatever map to a custom image? I've looked around for a answer and I couldn't find anything other then the tiny loading image which I got working fine.
  21. Exactly what the title said. I want to end the mission and have the player and their side see their respective win/lose screen. I have already read through this post but I don't think I can apply it, or I'm too dumb to figure it out. Either way, thanks in advance!