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Davide Terenzi

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About Davide Terenzi

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  1. Hello everyone, I made a little script to simulate a missile POV while in flight for a cutscene. Basically i move an invisible target via keyframe animation to have a smooth trajectory, while a script creates the camera that follows the invisible target with a while cycle, and it works perfectly. Now, i would like to add a shakyness effect in the moments right after launch for more realism, however when i try to add the addCamShake command in the launch keyframe my custom camera doesn't shake at all. The player camera shakes just fine, so the command is working, but not on the camera i want it to. I think it has something to do with the addCamShake not taking the camera variable name, like other camera manipulation commands (camSetTarget, camSetPos etc.), however i'm also using the setCamUseTi command and it works fine. Is there any way to add shake to a custom camera? Thanks