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Posts posted by krabban333

  1. Heyo,

    Long time scripter, first time modder here.
    Check out my attempt at improving the morale system of ARMA 3, hopefully making the AI feel a little less like terminator robots. Mind the jank.



    • New AI behaviours: fleeing, surrendering, cowering and fighting retreat
    • Surrendered units may turn hostile if not monitored or handcuffed
    • Cowering and surrendered units will flee if shot at
    • Adds cable ties to each unit. No extra scripting needed
    • Morale check is dependent on squad skill. Higher skilled squads are less likely to have negative outcomes on morale checks
    • Players can rally surrendered, cowering or fleeing allies, having them join their squad
    • Automatic cleanup of fleeing and surrendered units when no players are nearby and within line of sight
    • Should work in both singleplayer and multiplayer


    LAMBS Danger (Might work without this one, but may result in weird behaviours)


    Steam workshop link

    Extended Morale System




    • Like 3

  2. Thanks, was an interesting read!

    Long story short;

    I'm working on a surrender scriptmod where if a surrendered unit is fired upon they will start fleeing.

    I managed to solve my issue by using the EH HitPart for the projectile. The finished code looks like this:

    // Check if a player fires at a surrendered or cowering unit
    fnc_addPlayerFiredHandler = {
    		_player = _x;
    		if (isNil {_player getVariable "logicAdded"}) then {
    			// On player fire event
    			_player addEventHandler ["Fired", {
    				params ["_unit", "_weapon", "_muzzle", "_mode", "_ammo", "_magazine", "_projectile", "_gunner"];
    				// Throttle fire event
    				if (!(_unit getVariable ["onCooldown", false])) then {
    					[_unit, 0.6] call fnc_addGeneralCooldown;
    					// On projectile hit event
    					_projectile addEventHandler ["HitPart", {
    						params ["_projectile", "_target", "_shooter", "_position", "_velocity", "_selection", "_ammo", "_vector", "_radius", "_surfaceType", "_isDirect"];
    						[_shooter, _position] spawn fnc_handleBulletImpact;
    			_player setVariable ["logicAdded", true];
    	} forEach PLAYERS;


  3. Hi,
    I'm trying to add an event handler for projectiles fired by the player, but I'm getting the error Error Foreign error: Unknown enum value: "EpeContact"

    Any ideas on why this happens? Dumping the _projectile variable returns an object, so I'm kinda lost.

    Thanks in advance!

    Here's my code:

    _player addEventHandler ["Fired", {
      params ["_unit", "_weapon", "_muzzle", "_mode", "_ammo", "_magazine", "_projectile", "_gunner"];
      _projectile addEventHandler ["EpeContact", {
          params ["_object1", "_object2", "_selection1", "_selection2", "_force", "_reactVect", "_worldPos"];