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About elgato223

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  1. Some more weird things I've found experimenting - there are some modules that are supposed to start tracer fire using an MG3 with white tracers from CUP. I've run that mission in the editor, and the white tracers show. Running it off a localhost, they show. However, after being transported on the server, it no longer shows the white tracers, HOWEVER they are still being shot- I still hear bullet cracks in the air. And, another weird thing, things that I've stated to not have damage or simulation enabled now enable their damage or simulation in the server. I am so confused.
  2. Hey all, I'm trying to start up a dedicated server on my own computer. Right now I'm running into an issue with some custom missions I made and getting them to load onto the server. Now, normally whenever I play a mission I play it with friends hosting it off my own PC, so I know these missions normally don't have a fatal flaw in them, at least I hope. One mission called "Dark Sky" is missing an image called "erdoballs.jpg" a custom image I made and then somehow lost while making it, and it returns that error both hosting it off my PC and on the console for the dedicated server HOWEVER on the server it'll kick me back out to the mission select screen. Another mission is called "Heavy Water" and comes up with an error : 22:14:22 Embedded skeleton CUP_Skeleton in 'cup\weapons\cup_weapons_dynamicloadout\flare_launcher\cup_dl_flare_launcher.p3d' has different [ bones count ] in different p3d files. Skeleton/model 'cup\weapons\cup_weapons_dynamicloadout\gau22a\cup_gau22.p3d' will probably not work correctly. And then kicks me back out to the mission select screen. However, for this mission, and not "Dark Sky", if I try again it DOES LOAD, without sending that error in console. And for good measure, I also loaded KP Liberation onto the server, and tested it with no issue. Loads perfectly. I also have an rpt log file that if I wrote this right should be linked together(?) 😥 Any help is greatly appreciated, even if it means I've been making my missions wrong! Spoiler added containing .rpt file, I think these are the server logs?
  3. Howdy y'all, I was wondering if the radio chatter you hear in the campaign is usable through scripts in 3DEN, particularly the chatter you hear in Resurgent West when the (/spoiler) anti-air sites are blowing up and Crossroads is confused what's happening. Thank you!