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Lord Crash

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  1. Lord Crash

    Arabic characters on FontToTga

    can't I make something like this ? to fix the problem: https://youtu.be/jTZBkMZfCXY
  2. Lord Crash

    Arabic characters on FontToTga

    Hi again, I figure out how to fix it first problem, There are some characters are missing because I didn't get them by Editing the FontToTga.cfg to make it take all characters : class Arabic { // Arabic start = 0x0600; // old one 0x0627 was wrong end = 0x6ff; }; now i only want to make it connect to each other to make normal to type
  3. Hello, I just want to create a font with Arabic characters with the FontToTGA tool. I tried a few times to make sure that I added all the charts of Arabic characters to make it show in Arma 3. but there are some keys that when I press it not show in Arma 3 and I config FontToTga.cfg like this : class Arabic { // Arabic start = 0x0627; end = 0x6ff; }; and this is the Result : I typed: أ ب ت ث ج ح خ د ذ ر ز س ش ص ض ط ظ ع غ ف ق ك ل م ن هـ و ي as you can see it shows only 27 letters missing 1 letter. and there is one more problem when I type it shows Sporadic ache latter can't connect to the other one like : أنا أسمي كراش I will keep trying and if i got something I will add it here