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Everything posted by lordacus

  1. lordacus

    admin and moderator zues

    anyone know how to set up 2 zeus, 1 that cant edit or spawn stuff, basically just to guide players with markers and 1 admin zeus with full access. i cant find anything anywhere about how to do this
  2. lordacus

    admin and moderator zues

    its for a liberation server so i was hoping that i could set up a admin one for if issues arise and the normal one for commanding ai and players although i know most of the players in the commander slot would abuse the Zeus no limitations which is why i want to know if i can set up a Zeus with limitation and 1 for admins to correct stuff like recently we had an ai that didn't die in rubble and couldn't die because the rubble blocked his hitbox even after bombs and explosive XD. just to keep the game fair for the players when the game doesn't work as intended really but thank you for the reply 🙂