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About fatatris

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  1. fatatris

    Weapon Skins - Weapon List

    I think my biggest issue, is that I have too many skins, and if we had some sort of categories, it could help me to organise them nicely and pick one while playing.
  2. fatatris

    Skins Stopped Working

    I have the same issue, and I wonder whether you have found any way how to solve it?
  3. fatatris

    Earn Money for better weapons

    We can always learn from our experiences. It's interesting to look back and reflect on how our understanding evolves over time.
  4. fatatris

    Earn Money for better weapons

    I understand that this thread is old, but I need similar info and have decided to revive it. I am hoping that someone here can help me.
  5. I see that this post is a year old, so I hope you've managed to find a solution to your issue. However, in case you haven't, I wanted to chime in and offer some advice. It sounds like you may be experiencing some issues with port forwarding and/or firewall settings. Have you tried checking if the necessary ports are open on your router and on your dedicated server? Also, make sure that your firewall isn't blocking the connection. Another thing to consider is the possibility of using a hosting provider to run your server. ishosting offers a variety of dedicated server options that may be worth considering.