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About disarmthefallen5

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  1. disarmthefallen5

    Keyboard issues

    I went ahead and just put all of the mods back on to see if the issue was still there, it's gone now.
  2. disarmthefallen5

    Keyboard issues

    Ok so getting rid of all the mods (Except CBA and Zeus enhanced) seems to have fix it. I'm not sure if it will break again if I turn the mods back on, but I guess I should try that?
  3. disarmthefallen5

    Keyboard issues

    Will try, can't at the immediate moment. I'll update the situation tomorrow morning. (Thank you for the reply.)
  4. disarmthefallen5

    Keyboard issues

    So I just got a new computer + keyboard/mouse. I redownloaded/installed ARMA3 through my Steam account. I loaded up the game and made a little scenario in EDEN editor, but when I was in control of my character, WASD, inventory, crouch prone and any other buttons didn't work. My character would also randomly move, and it was like my buttons were shuffled. I already went through the in-game settings, but it seems like the game is constantly processing my keyboard pressing the O and I think ALT button. I found that if I hold down right ALT, it seems to work perfectly fine. WASD will work, inventory crouch and prone buttons too, but letting it go just breaks the controls again.