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Troller Troll

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About Troller Troll

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    Private First Class

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  1. Troller Troll

    Happy new year sorry I am late :(

    Hello man
  2. Happy new year guys even tho it was like 2 month ago also it mean the game is 7 year old that cool anyways have a great day
  3. Troller Troll

    Is there any way to play multiplayer?

    Which game mdz2 or mdz
  4. Troller Troll

    What is mini day z 1.4.1 web version link

    Here it is https://meterpreter57.github.io/minidayz_1.4.1/For pc
  5. Troller Troll

    It is time

    I have a discord so if you want to talk to me here GODOFCHOAS anywaya bye enjoy your weekend 🙂
  6. Troller Troll

    It is time

    So this forum is offine I guess we won’t see any active players in here well bye guys see you in the future the game was fun I love it but now I will leave thx game for fun u have :) bye
  7. Troller Troll


  8. Troller Troll


    Hey guys I decide to be offine for while so yea : ( anyways bye
  9. Troller Troll

    MiniDAYZ mod

    Hey guys there is a a website for MDZ aka MiniDAYZ mods casual chaos MDZ+ and ton of more here is a link https://minidayzmods.com/
  10. Troller Troll

    Making it know

    Hey guys I made a Reddit post on the MDZ yes there is a MDZ so yea lol people will be shock that there is a MDZ :XD anyways bye guys have a nice day
  11. Troller Troll

    Update from me

    Hey I play the MDZ aka MiniDAYZ so I will like to say it is good for me I mean it is fun so yea and no I am not new I play the game few years ago so yea I did not readily there is a forum about MDZ so yea anyways I will try to find bug that can help you and yes some bug are well let say it is just not good so yea I will say that one bug that make your game crash I mean you should know so yea if you notice that it is lagging more and more try to save the game and leave the game then open the game I mean it is simple as that if you want to dupe stash made by green bag yes I don’t know but If you want to do that I will make a vid so yea maybe in the future I mean you can do that by search up in yt and no I am not promoting expoit I am just helping I mean there so many bug and they are not fix beacause they the dev did not update the game and fix the bug there was so many bug and they decide to not fix it and leave it and it is getting worse they decide to make a game called MiniDAYZ2 and it is not getting good the online server are offline and they did not update the game and there is bug expoit hacker you name it so yea I hope the dev fix the game and update mdz2 and MDZ I know but maybe if they hire a someone that can fix the game and fix the MDZ that the dev could not fix that and most imported thing is that the person care for the game so yea bye guys love you 🙂 enjoy your summer holiday and yes reply the message 💻💻📱📱 sorry for making the text long : (
  12. Troller Troll


    Yes you do man
  13. Troller Troll

    Is the Game dead?

    Hey bro it is true that the game is dead yea 😞 I know it is very sad
  14. Troller Troll

    It is time

    Fun fact my yt channel is yogimcbandit lol sub me if you find my yt channel if you want to your choice bye : D
  15. Troller Troll

    It is time

    I want this forum to be alive just Imagic people are talking having nice talk sure it’s does not matter but when you are comply alone and no one is talking no mod no admin no people no just alone let say if you are wanting help in the game to survial longer well what you gonna do search it up what about the forum the forum is quiet very quiet now you know what I am talking no one talking no one sending tips so what should we do the game is no longer being update and they remove the game from the App Store the game have bug issue you get the idea and the minidayz2 is now dead the online server are offline I want to say that people who are reading this just understand maybe the forum is dead or worse will be delete I know it won’t happed but just think for now I think it is time to make the forum alive back the day when the game was being update people are talking sending tip to those people who need help to be better in the game now I will wait thank you for reading this if you are seeing it sorry for making too long and hope people will see it it is just from my mind I know not worth it but hey maybe in the future the dev will update the game if you wanting to talk to me my discord is GODOFCHOAS I know sound boring but hey just came out of my mind also I will maybe be quiet for a while if I am busy anyways I am also using a iPhone so yea I am tired of typing bye guys I hope you guys have a nice summer holidays call me yogitommymcbandit bye love you 😄