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muj Mobil

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Everything posted by muj Mobil

  1. Anyone know where are icons for A3 roles? I cant find them via PBO manager.
  2. muj Mobil

    Roles icons .pbo

    Thanks, I already found them
  3. Hello, I want to ask if somewhere are icons for user roles, like officier, zeus, pilot, AT/AA, autoriffleman etc., as svg or jpg format which I can use on my clan web?
  4. Hello, is there any addon or code in zeus interface. If zeus use artilery or any kind of missile not from artilery pc, to see in zeus interface aprox. time delivery and position of these missiles? As well if I set AI move with heli support (items, attack support etc.) aprox time arrival for these vehicles to destination?
  5. Hello, how to add sensors to the jet or heli cockpit pilot for friendly units as like infantry or vehicles to recognize friend or foe units in battlefield.. Is there any option to add that to the pilot cam as well?
  6. Hello, I would like to use Event Handlers for Fired but I am little lost. I want create trigger area for example 10x10 m and if anyone, AI or player shoot inside that trigger it will activate code trigger. I do not really know what to write inside condition area. flrObj = "F_40mm_white" createvehicle ((player) ModelToWorld [0,100,200]); flrObj setVelocity [0,0,-10];