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Posts posted by Blumpkinstone

  1. Hey folks, I am trying to override the prefab for the M923A1 to change the material colors and add a loadout. Before I get to any of that, whenever I override it (or duplicate) and then try to edit the prefab, I get this error in the Workbench Log Console


    RESOURCES (E): Wrong&patched resource GUID in @"script" for property m_SourceWorldPath resource name @"worlds/Editor/Test/EditableEntityImages.ent"


    Can anyone tell me what this is? There is a spot in the wiki that talks about the dirt materials not matching the name of the colliders? But this is a base game item, it is doing this even though all I have done is override the prefab? When I make a new project and use different vehicles, I get the same error/warning in the log consol.

  2. Hello! Thanks for all the work you have done. I love this game mode and want to make a version for my gaming group. I am newer to scripting and managing all this so forgive me if I am mistaken with how the mission setup works.

    We have our own version of ACE, RHS, and CUP mods that have been slightly adapted from the originals. Where could I find the file that designates if __ ACE __, __ RHS __, and __ CUP __ as true/false? I would like to change it so that they become true if our version of these mods is loaded.
