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About Blumpkinstone

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    Arma 3 | Arma Reforger | Modding | MilSim

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  1. Blumpkinstone

    Log Console Error

    I never found a fix for this error. I haven't looked to see if it still happens. Since the large update, I get all sort of console errors with actions that seem pretty routine. It doesn't seem to be effecting my mods.
  2. Is the HP Max for vehicles still not available in workbench? I am going through the BI Car Modding Tutorial, but some of the settings for Vehicle Damage Behavior component don't show like the guide describes? I was making a video to help my unit get familiar with workbench. The part I am talking about is at timestamp 00:08:15 https://youtu.be/q6YNmrZeH8k
  3. Blumpkinstone

    Log Console Error

    Another note about this: when the prefab is open to edit, there is no error or warning in the world editor log consol. Is this something that will cause issues later?
  4. Blumpkinstone

    Log Console Error

    Hey folks, I am trying to override the prefab for the M923A1 to change the material colors and add a loadout. Before I get to any of that, whenever I override it (or duplicate) and then try to edit the prefab, I get this error in the Workbench Log Console RESOURCES (E): Wrong&patched resource GUID in @"script" for property m_SourceWorldPath resource name @"worlds/Editor/Test/EditableEntityImages.ent" Can anyone tell me what this is? There is a spot in the wiki that talks about the dirt materials not matching the name of the colliders? But this is a base game item, it is doing this even though all I have done is override the prefab? When I make a new project and use different vehicles, I get the same error/warning in the log consol.
  5. What was the fix to this issue? I keep getting this error in the log console whenever I override a base game prefab and try to edit the prefab, but I cant figure out why?
  6. Blumpkinstone

    [MP] co40 Domination!

    Hello! Thanks for all the work you have done. I love this game mode and want to make a version for my gaming group. I am newer to scripting and managing all this so forgive me if I am mistaken with how the mission setup works. We have our own version of ACE, RHS, and CUP mods that have been slightly adapted from the originals. Where could I find the file that designates if __ ACE __, __ RHS __, and __ CUP __ as true/false? I would like to change it so that they become true if our version of these mods is loaded.