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Everything posted by LuckyyInDaForum

  1. LuckyyInDaForum


    Imma start off by saying I’m pretty bad at this game, so here are my thoughts! I don’t know if anyone has realized it, but if you prone you can’t be hit with a knife. Not that anyone is using knifes anyways, but still knives need to be buffed some how. The John should one shot. It’s a golden knife that’ll get you killed as if you were using a Pukko, Cmon.Hitting someone with a knife let alone getting close enough to hit someone with a knife is almost impossible. Maybe have it to where you can throw knives at people and they cause bleeding? I mean there are bandages in the game. That’s just a thought. Something I’d really appreciate being added would be a setting that lets you 1st person aim then when you stop aiming and then aim in again it goes back to 3rd person aim. The amount of times I’ve tried to snipe someone then got pushed and tried to use a secondary just to 1st person aim and die. Maybe I’m just horrible at the game, but either way I would appreciate the setting being added. There’s two more things I got. First, the lobby size dictates how big the map will be. So if there is a small lobby a good chunk of the map is cut off so people can still find each other. And if the lobby is big more of the map is used. And lastly, New things to do. Getting barred and timed safe 8 times in a row with occasional locked containers gets old. Some sort of new way to get loot would spice things up again. Thanks for listening to my thoughts!😊
  2. LuckyyInDaForum

    Win rate selection

    I think I understand what you mean. Being a little Thomson man and having to fight a 3 man of M249s with plates and portable signal detectors isn’t everyone’s thing.