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Everything posted by ert55

  1. Is it possible to decompile this pbo?: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1bdH2TbgxVAOFEtwR3CyZu5YvoWrukyQf/view?usp=sharing I've tried many decompilers (e.g. winpbo, unpbo, pbox) but they all failed to do so. Is the file somehow protected from decompiling?
  2. 1. Is there a way to make a unit pick up objects dropped to the ground by themselves or by others e.g. magazines, weapons? 2. How do I make a unit reactivate a mine after it's been deactivated or put it back in its inventory? I did: unit1 action ["DEACTIVATE MINE",unit1 ,0,0,"MINE"] On the wiki pages it reads: "If unit2 is nearby the charge when it is being deactivated it will end up back in its inventory." But that never works. The mine stays on the ground even though the unit that has put the mine (unit1) and deactivates it is right next to it. Even if I use 2 units, unit1 puts the mine, and unit2 deactivates it like so: unit2 action ["DEACTIVATE MINE",unit1 ,0,0,"MINE"] unit1 never gets the mine back in its inventory.