hello, I am trying to add an additional mk18 in black. I have managed to add additional mk-1's from the marksman DLC but I have only been so far able to reskin the base mk18.
any info appreciated, can't understand what I am doing wrong. code below. cheers.
class CfgPatches
class mk18
requiredAddons[] =
requiredVersion = 0.1;
class CfgWeapons
class srifle_EBR_F;
class srifle_EBR_black_F : srifle_EBR_F
displayName = "MK18 EBR 7.62 mm (Black)";
author = "goyney";
picture = "\mk18\data\ui\gear_ebr_black_X_CA.paa";
hiddenSelections[] =
hiddenSelectionsTextures[] =