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Everything posted by ForestFighters

  1. ForestFighters

    What maps are you working on?

    Real Place: Block Island It is based on northern Block Island, which is in the state of Rhode Island. The geography is mostly the same, but I've added things that aren't there as the island is mostly just summer homes IRL. Size: It is a 7x7Km map, but a lot of that is just water. Historic Relevance: None Unless you count the Pequot War, in which 90 militia men burned down some native villages on the island, or a very brief occupation by the British navy during the war of 1812. Planned Game Modes: Zeus and Conquest Maybe will also have a couple Capture and Hold missions and a little short story mission. Images https://imgur.com/a/ZVlHJPy It is only the first pass, but I think it is coming along nicely https://imgur.com/a/9tRyvBX Progress (As of 6/2/22) I've gotten to about the red line on this heightmap detailed. https://imgur.com/a/fOwnb6L