Hello ! Im new to this whole terrain editing and wanted to learn it.
So im following the PMC ArmA 3 Ultimate Terrain Tutorial here :https://pmc.editing.wiki/doku.php?id=arma3:terrain:ultimate-terrain-tutorial
On the part where i have to import layers etc i am unable to get the "layers manager" tab to my terrain builder and im not sure how to continue.
Here is the part im at in the tutorial:
And here is what my terrain builder looks like after the import:
Edit: Well i found the solution and cant believe i missed it, even though i did think that i searched all the options carefully.
If anyone happens to get this problem the solution is simple: Goto window - and enable layers manager 😄
As i cant delete this useless thread for some reason, i would appreciate if people have any tips and tricks or usefull things i should look into for the future of my terrain editing please let me know about them here 🙂