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Posts posted by lazarusdmx

  1. On 2/20/2022 at 2:58 AM, Leopard20 said:

    This time, I'm trying to make the mod as independent of SQF as I can. So I take all the information I need from the game and cache them in disk/memory (those cached to disk are "one time constant caches", such as terrain info, etc.), and use them in my own "engine", which runs on its own thread(s). So Arma will simply be in charge of "displaying" the results (AI movement, animation, shooting, etc.), while the heavy calculations (path finding, finding cover, group coordination, and other "AI brain" stuff) are being made elsewhere.
    With this approach I won't have to make any compromises anymore, since Arma is running on its own thread and its performance will not be impacted as much as before.


    Each little bit I learn about arma moddikng/scripting, I lean closer towards this concept--It seems like this really would the way to go for most mods that are intensitve.  It makes me wonder what the potential for some sort of CBA esque unified framework could acheive  ie not an interfacing thing, but like a general engine that multiple mods could use to get access to non arma threads and do heavy lifting, with info transfer back and forth with the engine.  Very excited to see how this develops, and love your other mods--thanks for all the great work you do,

    • Thanks 1