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About Kalashnikov_

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  1. Kalashnikov_

    ACE3 CBA issues?

    A mission my friend made for me isn't booting up and has caused 4 of my friends to crash (multiple times) with a error saying "0000005 server error" or something like that
  2. Kalashnikov_

    ACE3 CBA issues?

    https://gyazo.com/da090ea3cbf6ce76aeda08337e2a2e9c I think there conflicting and I can afford to lose ACE Please help ASAP
  3. Kalashnikov_

    Error with my server

    No need to server is working perfectly fine now that I uninstalled tarkov shit thank you guys!
  4. Kalashnikov_

    Error with my server

    That fixed the b47 error thank you! Now I just need some help with this lol https://gyazo.com/ee9f1a877cc16ae782bd275b1ae079f7
  5. Kalashnikov_

    Error with my server

    Someone else told me it was a vanilla asset or something
  6. Kalashnikov_

    Error with my server

    My issue is that the server won't launch due to the error, the heli isn't included in any of my missions too
  7. Kalashnikov_

    Error with my server

    https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2803809473 https://gyazo.com/e1d6cdeb25d92ec7ad9772b00de4e688
  8. Kalashnikov_

    Error with my server

    I have no clue what that mod is
  9. Kalashnikov_

    Error with my server

    My issue is I don't know what mod it is and cannot find it.
  10. Kalashnikov_

    Error with my server

    https://gyazo.com/066b56cf49eacdf6cc41c54d069b5d9b this stupid b47 crap please help me (3rd day I've been stumped with this)!