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About Andy16823

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  1. Well even with setCaptive it isnt working. My other idea is if there is a way to let the player decide at the mission start if he wants to start as bluefor or redfor.
  2. Thanks for the anwsers. I will test it. Well i just created a normal bluefor unit and set is as player and the module is working. But if i start with a civilian unit (whats my normal plan is) then the module isnt working.
  3. Hello 🙂 im working on a mission where the player starts as civilian. While he is playing its possible to change a side with a action menu. I use the following script to change the players side _playerPos = position player; selectNoPlayer; _grp = createGroup west; _unit = _grp createUnit [ "B_Soldier_F", _playerPos, [], 0, "FORM"]; selectPlayer _unit; [player, bsReq, bsHeliTransport] call BIS_fnc_addSupportLink; hint "Welcome to the army. You can go to the arsenal now and get your equipment solider"; as you see i want to link the player with the support module. But nothing happens. There is nothing saying that support is available or showing up in the support tab.
  4. Andy16823

    Open map and set waypoint

    Thanks for all the help got it done. You will find the script bellow in case some else needs something like this as well. private _tObject = _this select 0; _tObject addAction["Transport to", { params ["_target", "_caller", "_actionId", "_arguments"]; // Save starting vector _oldPos = position _target; openMap true; hint "Select on the map the designated position"; // Set landing zone! _target onMapSingleClick { deleteMarker "LandingPosition"; _heloWaypoint = createMarker ["LandingPosition", _pos]; _heloWaypoint setMarkerShape "ICON"; _heloWaypoint setMarkerType "hd_pickup"; _this doMove getMarkerPos "LandingPosition"; openMap false; onMapSingleClick ""; hintSilent ""; }; // Wait until the helicopter reachs the landing point. If he reachs the point he stops and land waitUntil { _cPos = position _target; _meters = _cPos distance2D getMarkerPos "LandingPosition"; if (_meters < 100) then { hint "landing soon!"; true; } else { hint str _meters; false; }; }; doStop _target; _target land "GET OUT"; // Wait until the helicopter landed waitUntil { isTouchingGround _target; }; hint "Helicopter is landet!"; // Wait 30 seconds and fly back to base _sec = 0; waitUntil { sleep 1; _sec = _sec + 1; if(_sec >= 30) then{ true; } else { false; } }; _this doMove _oldPos; hint "Helicopter is flying back!"; // Wait until the heli reachs his starting position and land waitUntil { _cPos = position _target; _meters = _cPos distance2D _oldPos; if (_meters < 100) then { true; } else { hint str _meters; false; }; }; doStop _target; _target land "GET OUT"; // wait until he is touching the ground and shut down the engine waitUntil { isTouchingGround _target; }; _target engineOn false; }, [_tObject]]; and it get called inside the editor with this function [this, airport_military_transport_pilot_1] execVM "scripts\transport.sqf";
  5. Thanks for all the help got it done. You will find the script bellow in case some else needs something like this as well. private _tObject = _this select 0; _tObject addAction["Transport to", { params ["_target", "_caller", "_actionId", "_arguments"]; // Save starting vector _oldPos = position _target; openMap true; hint "Select on the map the designated position"; // Set landing zone! _target onMapSingleClick { deleteMarker "LandingPosition"; _heloWaypoint = createMarker ["LandingPosition", _pos]; _heloWaypoint setMarkerShape "ICON"; _heloWaypoint setMarkerType "hd_pickup"; _this doMove getMarkerPos "LandingPosition"; openMap false; onMapSingleClick ""; hintSilent ""; }; // Wait until the helicopter reachs the landing point. If he reachs the point he stops and land waitUntil { _cPos = position _target; _meters = _cPos distance2D getMarkerPos "LandingPosition"; if (_meters < 100) then { hint "landing soon!"; true; } else { hint str _meters; false; }; }; doStop _target; _target land "GET OUT"; // Wait until the helicopter landed waitUntil { isTouchingGround _target; }; hint "Helicopter is landet!"; // Wait 30 seconds and fly back to base _sec = 0; waitUntil { sleep 1; _sec = _sec + 1; if(_sec >= 30) then{ true; } else { false; } }; _this doMove _oldPos; hint "Helicopter is flying back!"; // Wait until the heli reachs his starting position and land waitUntil { _cPos = position _target; _meters = _cPos distance2D _oldPos; if (_meters < 100) then { true; } else { hint str _meters; false; }; }; doStop _target; _target land "GET OUT"; // wait until he is touching the ground and shut down the engine waitUntil { isTouchingGround _target; }; _target engineOn false; }, [_tObject]]; and it get called inside the editor with this function [this, airport_military_transport_pilot_1] execVM "scripts\transport.sqf";
  6. Andy16823

    Open map and set waypoint

    well i changed it but nothing happend 🙂
  7. Andy16823

    Open map and set waypoint

    Hi 🙂 thanks for the anwers. I used following now but the vehicle isnt moving at all. private _tObject = _this select 0; _tObject addAction["Transport to", { _params = _this select 3; _unit = _params select 0; _pilot = driver _unit; openMap true; hint "Select on the map the designated position"; onMapSingleClick { heloWaypoint = createMarker ["LandingPosition", _pos]; heloWaypoint setMarkerShape "ICON"; heloWaypoint setMarkerType "hd_pickup"; "LandingPosition" setMarkerPos _pos; onMapSingleClick ""; openMap false; _pilot doMove (getMarkerPos heloWaypoint); }; }, [_tObject]];
  8. Hello :) i work currently on a mission. My goal is to let a player open the map and set a waypoint for a helicopter transport. Is there a function which returns the marked waypoint from the map ?