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About Mattxyz

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  1. Mattxyz

    Grey pistols useless

    No doubt, I had to change my play style to get to the position where i can run with an ak every round, and I was able to get there relatively quick, but only got there cause my buddy persuaded me to keep playing when it wasnt very fun. I could see that turning a lot of first time players away, which isnt good for a games player base. And on the topic of realism, the damage is absolutely unrealistic. I feel 5 well placed shots close to medium range hitting center mass should be more than enough with a 1911
  2. Mattxyz

    Grey pistols useless

    I understand they are a tier 1, and shotguns absolutely needed the buff. However i believe the akm/m16 are also tier 1 but perform exponentially better in damage, range, and bullet speed. I dont know the exact prices of both but i believe the 1911 pistol is 1200 and the akm is 1800? So definitely comparable in price. I like the raffica i just dont want to use up all of them to complete a single challenge (that doesnt even reward very well). I think its very unfair to the new player base too, when i first started i had almost quit multiple times due to the uselessness of certain beginner weapons. I could really care less about the tier 1 pistols being buffed at this point, I mostly just run the AK now that im farther in the game. But before i had economy rifle plans i had economy pistol blueprints, which does not seem fair in the slightest to people just starting out, and i wouldnt doubt a lot of people stopped playing because of it, i almost did. And PM takes 9 shots to kill? In a 9 round magazine if im correct? A real life .22 would kill faster
  3. Been playing vigor a few months now and the akm seems to be the best gun to run. I average 1-4 kills per game with it.. Now i get a challenge, get 3 kills with a pistol. I run 5+ games w a 1911 being stealthy/waiting for headshots, wasn't able to find one person standing still but i had some gunfights and the things like a fucking bb gun, and the fire rates like the sks before the buff, horrendous. Absolutely absurd, made me quit the game for the day and delete that god awful challenge. Hopefully some economy pistols get buffed, doesnt really seem fair to the people just starting out who might not have any other blueprints, and just constantly die due to matchmaking with all lvl 50s anyway. I really enjoy this game when im playing with a balanced weapon and fair matchmaking. ie, not matchmaking w players who have 10,000 outlander kills, while im somewhere around 300. Game needs serious improvement to be in any way fair. 1911 NEEDS A SERIOUS BUFF