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About lwoadam

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  1. Hello - I am having a dilemma trying to figure this out. I have searched the forum but nothing I am doing is seeming to work for me. So here's what I want to do - my leader init is grp1 = group this - I want BLUFOR units to kneel once trigger is activated {_x setUnitPos "MIDDLE"} forEach units grp1; How am I am able to have this trigger activate on the condition that all members of grp1 are within the trigger area so they kneel once they all fall in? Thank You
  2. Yep!! This absolutely worked. Thank you Kindly!!
  3. Hello - Trying to make this work so that when I set a Satchel Charge down on two locations (parked planes on airfield) that they satisfy a third trigger which completes a task. I have found some resources and none work so far. I have three triggers (trig1, trig2, trig3) trig1 and trig2 has the following condition !isNull nearestObject [thisTrigger, "SatchelCharge_Remote_Ammo"] I have tried the following for trig3 which is synced to the SetTaskState ((triggerActivated trig1) && (triggerActivated trig2)) but it is not working, and the task is being completed when I set down the charge on one trigger. Any ideas?
  4. Thank you!!!! Just what I needed and worked like a charm. Thank you sir - deciphering this as best I can now.
  5. Good Morning Everyone - let me say I am late to ARMA3 and have fallen down the rabbit hole of mission making. In searching for what I am looking for I think I am both over my head and confused. I am making a scenario in the Falklands of an Assault that happened that commenced with firing Launchers. How can I make a trigger that commences the assault when I fire a LAW launcher? I have tried a lot of things and have fallen short of my goal. I'd be happy to activate when I shoot the launcher, but to have others shoot at the same time as what happened in real life would be even more ideal. Can anyone help me with this as I am really struggling!! Thank you in advance,
  6. Hello Let me say I am late to the amazing ARMA series That being said I have downloaded many mods on steam and use an External SSD F:\ and have Steam pointing to that. Why in the world do my mods seem to delete everytime and have to update / entirely re-download? I swear it's the 5th time it's happened. What am I doing wrong?? Are these mod folders saving on my C:\ drive or something when Steam re-downloads? I want to run ARMA3 and all mods off the SSD so I can take the game with me to play elsewhere. If this is something that needs to happen then whatever, but it seems weird I have 200 GB of "updates" every week.