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Posts posted by ins3821

  1. arma 3 cant recognize the teamspeak 3.
    I've used it well in the past with no problems.


    i tried with ACRE2 addon. ACRE too not working. but ACRE send to me error message. so i know what the hell this ploblem. that's Arma 3 and TeamSpeak 3 are diffrent path. so i made with two progrem same path.
    testing resualt is ACRE2 is nice working. but TFAR still not working..

    i need help..

  2. 6 minutes ago, dwringer said:

    If you see something output by systemchat, then the "if(_filter == "") exitWith {[]};" will be skipped, always.  The systemchat confirms if _filter has a value, while the exitWith line only activates if _filter is empty.

    If this is working in some cases and not others, like if it prints "APC" but doesn't do anything else, it's because VVS_pre_APC doesn't work right.

    do output by systemChat, but doesnt skip the "if(_filter == "") exitWith {[]};" code.
    so i confuse.

  3. 58 minutes ago, pierremgi said:

    The question is: What kind of data you are passing as _filter?

    What are your variables VVS_pre_APC or VVS_pre_armed_car?

    What did you expect with:
    if(_filter == "") exitWith {[]}; //can't find here. <<------------------- here cant find ??

    Q - What kind of data you are passing as _filter?
    _filter is recive string from server.


    _filter = [_this,0,"",[""]] call BIS_fnc_param;
    systemChat format["%1",_filter]; //test     <<------------------- good find here but
    if(_filter == "") exitWith {[]}; //can't find here.  <<------------------- here cant find
    //Setup our array.
    _ret = [];
    _vehicleList = switch(_filter) do
    	case "All": {(VVS_pre_Car + VVS_pre_Air + VVS_pre_Ship + VVS_pre_Armored + VVS_pre_Support + VVS_pre_Autonomous + VVS_pre_Heli + VVS_pre_bigsusong + VVS_pre_AH + VVS_pre_po + VVS_pre_Cas + VVS_pre_armed_car + VVS_pre_APC)};
    	case "Car": {VVS_pre_Car};
    	case "Armed_car": {VVS_pre_armed_car};
    	case "APC": {VVS_pre_APC};
    	case "Air": {VVS_pre_Air};
    	case "Ship": {VVS_pre_Ship};
    	case "Armored": {VVS_pre_Armored};
    	case "Autonomous": {VVS_pre_Autonomous};
    	case "Support": {VVS_pre_Support};
    	case "Heli": {VVS_pre_Heli};
    	case "bigsusong": {VVS_pre_bigsusong};
    	case "AH": {VVS_pre_AH};
    	case "po": {VVS_pre_po};
    	case "Cas": {VVS_pre_Cas};
    	default {[]};

    this addaction["spawn APC",VVS_fnc_openVVS, ["spawnlocation","APC"]]; 
    and _filter = "APC".
    test code(systemChat) recive "APC", but if(_filter == "") exitWith {[]}; recive noting. so that's code is exitwith.

    Q - What are your variables VVS_pre_APC or VVS_pre_armed_car?
    just classname.

    Q - What did you expect with
    if(_filter == "") exitWith {[]}; //can't find here. <<------------------- here cant find ??

    _filter recived "APC" then switch code execute.

  4. variable working to strange.

    when I try test, "IF" not find variable(Armed_car, APC).
    but another variable(Car, Air, Ship, Autonomous, heli, AH, po etc) is very good finded. so i very confuse.

    is anyone familiar with this problem?




    Car, Air, Ship, Armored, Autonomous, Support, Heli, bigsusong, AH, po, CAS = passed

    APC, Armed_car = no passed

    _filter = [_this,0,"",[""]] call BIS_fnc_param;
    systemChat format["%1",_filter]; //test     <<------------------- good find here but
    if(_filter == "") exitWith {[]}; //can't find here.  <<------------------- here cant find
    //Setup our array.
    _ret = [];
    _vehicleList = switch(_filter) do
    	case "All": {(VVS_pre_Car + VVS_pre_Air + VVS_pre_Ship + VVS_pre_Armored + VVS_pre_Support + VVS_pre_Autonomous + VVS_pre_Heli + VVS_pre_bigsusong + VVS_pre_AH + VVS_pre_po + VVS_pre_Cas + VVS_pre_armed_car + VVS_pre_APC)};
    	case "Car": {VVS_pre_Car};
    	case "Armed_car": {VVS_pre_armed_car};
    	case "APC": {VVS_pre_APC};
    	case "Air": {VVS_pre_Air};
    	case "Ship": {VVS_pre_Ship};
    	case "Armored": {VVS_pre_Armored};
    	case "Autonomous": {VVS_pre_Autonomous};
    	case "Support": {VVS_pre_Support};
    	case "Heli": {VVS_pre_Heli};
    	case "bigsusong": {VVS_pre_bigsusong};
    	case "AH": {VVS_pre_AH};
    	case "po": {VVS_pre_po};
    	case "Cas": {VVS_pre_Cas};
    	default {[]};


  5. 21 hours ago, Harzach said:



    Basically, your numbers are too large.


    Change your base values to something like 

    befor_basicbudget = 0;
    basicbudget_killciv = 30007;
    culclear = 10007;

    and you'll see that it returns a rounded value rather than a precise value (rounded up to 300 280 064  instead of the correct 300 280 049).


     Not sure why the negative value is returning in scientific, though.


    KK created a function to deal with very large numbers, specifically in the context of an economy, have a look here:  http://killzonekid.com/arma-scripting-tutorials-arithmetic-library/

    ok i try it


    thank you

  6. Hi everyone
    i have an issue making a simple economy function in my mission.

    i want write negative number using to BIS_fnc_numbertext.
    when i use negative number then this function show me scientific notation.

    BIS_fnc_numbertext use reason is scientific notation.


    here my code.
    plz help...

    befor_basicbudget = 0;
    basicbudget_killciv = 30000;
    culclear = 10000;
    _getculmoney = profileNamespace getVariable "befor_basicbudget";
    systemchat format["$ %1 collection",[basicbudget_killciv * culclear] call BIS_fnc_numberText];
    after_basicbudget = _getculmoney - basicbudget_killciv;
    profileNamespace setVariable ["befor_basicbudget", after_basicbudget];
    systemchat format["$ %1",[after_basicbudget * culclear] call BIS_fnc_numberText];


  7. Hi! I'm Korean and I'm preparing to run a server.
    The mission is being modified based on GHOST's ENEMY ASSAULT.
    After completing all missions and initializing, some Zeus modules do not work. In particular, all modules of ACHILLES are not worked. Does anyone know the reason?
    The debug below says '[FUNCTION] "BIS_functions_mainscope" missing'.
    In the initial mission, all functions of Zeus work well.

    Additionally, ZEUS ENHANCED ADDON will also fail. Does anyone know the solution?

    I'm sorry for my terrible English skills.

  8. Thx!
    Thanks to you, I can study scripts.

    An error is occurring as shown below.
    Is there an error in "getMarkerPos"?
    I put in the VVS_SP marker.



    '...,[(InbCurSelRow 38101),1]];

    _position = \#\getMarkerPos VVS_SP;

    _position = set [2, 1...'

    File C:\Users\me\Documents\Arma 3 - Other

    Error getmarkerpos:                                                .(         :

          ,       )

    Profiles\myname\mpmissions\mission.Altis\VVS\fuctions\fn_spawnVehicle.sqf..., line 15


    and can i zoom in on the black error window when i start the mission? It comes out too short.

