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About ins3821

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    Private First Class

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  1. I tried to respawn. But it stops on the loading screen. Does anyone know why? Everyone has a problem. Please help me. I'm using [GHST] EnemyAsault.
  2. i solved this problem. just reloading mission.
  3. _group = group player; _name = name player; format ["[%1] %2.", _group, _name] remoteExec ["systemChat", 0]; it is not working.. plz help
  4. ins3821

    TFAR not working..

    yes installed plugin by TFAR addon folder
  5. ins3821

    TFAR not working..

    yes installed plugin by TFAR addon folder
  6. arma 3 cant recognize the teamspeak 3. I've used it well in the past with no problems. i tried with ACRE2 addon. ACRE too not working. but ACRE send to me error message. so i know what the hell this ploblem. that's Arma 3 and TeamSpeak 3 are diffrent path. so i made with two progrem same path. testing resualt is ACRE2 is nice working. but TFAR still not working.. i need help..
  7. hi everyone i used this map to dedicatited server. but dedicatited server send me error message. "Script scripts\Gemini\fnc_lightSource.sqf not found" plz help me..
  8. I want to create specific data from the player and save it on my computer. I'm trying to save it in text format, but I don't know how. Do you have any good ideas? It is also good to send it directly by discode message. However, this requires a bot and uses it in real time.
  9. I solved the problem. Thank you for your interest. Thank you so much for your hard work despite my terrible English. I wrote the wrong code because of some mistakes.
  10. what I'm doing now is adding APC, Armed_car. It worked well when I did this before.
  11. do output by systemChat, but doesnt skip the "if(_filter == "") exitWith {[]};" code. so i confuse.
  12. code "systemChat" receives variables, but code "if(_filter == "") exitWith {[]};" does not receive variables. this is the point.
  13. Q - What kind of data you are passing as _filter? _filter is recive string from server. ex) VVS_fnc_openVVS private["_filter","_ret","_vehicleList"]; _filter = [_this,0,"",[""]] call BIS_fnc_param; systemChat format["%1",_filter]; //test <<------------------- good find here but if(_filter == "") exitWith {[]}; //can't find here. <<------------------- here cant find  //Setup our array. _ret = []; _vehicleList = switch(_filter) do { case "All": {(VVS_pre_Car + VVS_pre_Air + VVS_pre_Ship + VVS_pre_Armored + VVS_pre_Support + VVS_pre_Autonomous + VVS_pre_Heli + VVS_pre_bigsusong + VVS_pre_AH + VVS_pre_po + VVS_pre_Cas + VVS_pre_armed_car + VVS_pre_APC)}; case "Car": {VVS_pre_Car}; case "Armed_car": {VVS_pre_armed_car}; case "APC": {VVS_pre_APC}; case "Air": {VVS_pre_Air}; case "Ship": {VVS_pre_Ship}; case "Armored": {VVS_pre_Armored}; case "Autonomous": {VVS_pre_Autonomous}; case "Support": {VVS_pre_Support}; case "Heli": {VVS_pre_Heli}; case "bigsusong": {VVS_pre_bigsusong}; case "AH": {VVS_pre_AH}; case "po": {VVS_pre_po}; case "Cas": {VVS_pre_Cas}; default {[]}; }; this addaction["spawn APC",VVS_fnc_openVVS, ["spawnlocation","APC"]]; and _filter = "APC". test code(systemChat) recive "APC", but if(_filter == "") exitWith {[]}; recive noting. so that's code is exitwith. Q - What are your variables VVS_pre_APC or VVS_pre_armed_car? just classname. Q - What did you expect with if(_filter == "") exitWith {[]}; //can't find here. <<------------------- here cant find ?? _filter recived "APC" then switch code execute.
  14. variable working to strange. when I try test, "IF" not find variable(Armed_car, APC). but another variable(Car, Air, Ship, Autonomous, heli, AH, po etc) is very good finded. so i very confuse. is anyone familiar with this problem? private["_filter","_ret","_vehicleList"]; _filter = [_this,0,"",[""]] call BIS_fnc_param; systemChat format["%1",_filter]; //test <<------------------- good find here but if(_filter == "") exitWith {[]}; //can't find here. <<------------------- here cant find //Setup our array. _ret = []; _vehicleList = switch(_filter) do { case "All": {(VVS_pre_Car + VVS_pre_Air + VVS_pre_Ship + VVS_pre_Armored + VVS_pre_Support + VVS_pre_Autonomous + VVS_pre_Heli + VVS_pre_bigsusong + VVS_pre_AH + VVS_pre_po + VVS_pre_Cas + VVS_pre_armed_car + VVS_pre_APC)}; case "Car": {VVS_pre_Car}; case "Armed_car": {VVS_pre_armed_car}; case "APC": {VVS_pre_APC}; case "Air": {VVS_pre_Air}; case "Ship": {VVS_pre_Ship}; case "Armored": {VVS_pre_Armored}; case "Autonomous": {VVS_pre_Autonomous}; case "Support": {VVS_pre_Support}; case "Heli": {VVS_pre_Heli}; case "bigsusong": {VVS_pre_bigsusong}; case "AH": {VVS_pre_AH}; case "po": {VVS_pre_po}; case "Cas": {VVS_pre_Cas}; default {[]}; };