Hello, first of all, in the code I will give below, I can only write the vehicle skin with the uid. I want to do this to everyone, but I have no idea how to change the code, can anyone help me, regards.
Hello, first of all, thank you very much for your help, my script also has a normal jumping script, but when there is a teleport to a certain region, I cannot jump high, I tried the code you sent, how should I proceed?
Hello, thank you very much for your help, but I did not understand how to write code. I mean can you write me the code, please, it is very important for me.
First of all, I have a few questions for you. In the video I will give below, how can I jump for that region only or how to proceed?
Video: https://youtu.be/FrOxaXvYq_M
Hello, we are using NMD script to play with my friends, we want to add stun to that script, I tried some things, can you help me?
#include ".\..\script_macros.hpp" /* * Dosya: fn_keyHandler.sqf * Yazar: Bryan "Tonic" Boardwine * * Açıklama: * 'keyDown' olay için ana anahtar işleyicisi. */
//Knock out, bu güvenli ve evet... (Shift + G) durum 34: if (_shift) o zaman {_hand = true;}; if (_shift && playerSide isEqualTo sivil && !isNull imleçObject && imleçObject isKindOf "Adam" && isPlayerimleçObject && canlı imleçObject && imleçObject uzaklık < 4 && hız imleçObject < 1) o zaman { if ((animationState imleçObject)" && " currentWeapon player == handgun Weapon player || currentWeapon player == handgunWeapon player) && currentWeapon player != "" && !life_knockout && !(player getVariable ["kısıtlı",false]) && !life_istazed && ! life_isknocked) sonra { [cursorObject] life_fnc_knockoutAction; }; }; };