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Erwan Mayers

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Posts posted by Erwan Mayers

  1. Hi corporal_lib[br],
    Thanks for your feedback ☺️;
    You're right about the Ai mates ...


    i am quite a noob at scripting but i ll try to find something to make them arm themselves. There are three MG with a very few ammo  on the first floor over the shack. Usually i order the ai to get in as mg gunners before arming myself. But indeed it's not a very good solution :) i have to find something else ^^

    I believe it's a difficult mission to play alone!


    The most difficult part is the end dealing with the refugees; As soon as they get into your group you have to order them to stop or they run like crazy in front of every gun in the vicinity.  lol

    Well i hope you have some fun tonight ;)

  2. On 8/22/2021 at 2:01 AM, corporal_lib[br] said:

    PS: Why not post it on Workshop? Thou I guess the toxic minions lurking there aren´t worth the hassle...

    Hi corporal_lib[br], thank you for your nice reply! 🙂
    To answer your question, the mission is still in beta stages and i am wondering how to improve it a little right now
    That's the reason why i hesitated posting it on steam workshop yet and posted it here (if someone feels like playing it and may be telling me what "sucks" in it ^^)
    But i think you're right and it is more convenient with a workshop link:

    Co 04 Amatterof Ethics

    There are quite a few cutscenes, some using the key frame animation; that's a new thing i used thanks to a great tutorial made by Instant Arma on youtube but may be all this needs a bit of balance?

    I forgot to say it's a black and white mission although some parts are in color.

  3. Hi everyone, i share a mission that still needs a little work and polishing but it's fully playable i think:






    The migrant crisis just worsen due to the African politics of many european nations which established dictators in many african countries to insure access to raw materials.
    Having been reelected in 2022, the french president Micron and his prime minister Dardenain call for a summit about the construction of a wall on the south side of the Mediteranea and the display of "defensive" drones to, as they put it, protect Europe from Isis threat.
    Nato and Europe have totally accepted all the requisites of Morocco and Turkey to stop the migrants.
    Meanwhile many accidents occured in the mediterranean sea and a few independant news broadcast questioned the use of Force by Nato and the resulting deaths among migrants.
    Nato, fearing to face criticism hypocraticaly made a contract with some private armies to deal in their place with the migrants trying to cross the mediterranean sea.
    Such a private contractor is based on Stratis Island and headed by a french officer.
    At the same time, a new european law pushed by the pharmatical lobby ensures that all unindentified bodies on the european territory can serve for "any" medical experiments.
    A new legitimate business is born.

    Former members of MSF find hard not to be involved with the way the private army in stratis deals with refugees.



    Instant Arma (for his key frame animation tutorial), BangaBob, JohnnyBoy, Genesis92x, Moerderhoschi, Feuerex, RueLight, White Raven, Pumpkin (jackfrench) and all persons who i forget sharing their time and passion

    Revive & respawn (in the ai mates)

    Co 04 A matter of Ethics beta 0.5


    Co 04 a matter of Ethics beta V0.8



    • Like 1

  4. thanks for your mission.
    It gave me the opportunity to discover G.O.S. N'Djenahoud. 😀
    i liked the mission a lot although i mostly played the far-away surveillance style with binoculars. Next time i play it, i ll try to sneak inside the compounds  to have more information.

  5. Hello everybody,
    I wanted to share a small mission i did for the fun of it. Nothing spectacular, a coop mission for up to 4 players.


    A coalition including Russia just invaded Agia Marina surprising the blufor military presence.
    A Russian satellite made pictures of a blufor convoy moving to reinforce a position west of the stratis Air station.
    A team of four russian soldiers from the special forces are ordered to stop this convoy thanks to a blufor captured hummingbird:

    1 Fly to the Air station and kill all blufor soldiers there
    2 Plant bombs on the road nearby and destroy part of the convoy (the two tanks and the fuel truck)
    3 Escape and extract by a waiting chopper north-east of the Air station.


    BangaBob, JohnnyBoy, Genesis92x, Moerderhoschi, Feuerex, RueLight, White Raven, Pumpkin (jackfrench) and all persons who i forget sharing their time and passion
    Thanks to Flav for the music he made.
    (Thanks also to the armaholic site.)

    (Any review and advice would be helpful 😃, it's only my third mission)

    Revive & respawn (in the ai mates)

    no mod needed

    co04ElementOfSurprise V1


