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The Qster

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  1. After switching to PboProject I got an error of missing files for rtm files. Then I added .cfg files I found on the internet with the same names as .rtf ones an now I get error that it couldn't find file: A3\anims_f\data\skeleton\SkeletonPivots.p3d .cfg Files class CfgSkeletons { class Default { isDiscrete = 1; skeletonInherit = ""; skeletonBones[] = {}; }; class OFP2_ManSkeleton { isDiscrete = 0; skeletonInherit = ""; skeletonBones[] = { "Pelvis","", "Spine","Pelvis", "Spine1","Spine", "Spine2","Spine1", "Spine3","Spine2", "Camera","Pelvis", "Weapon","Spine1", "launcher","Spine1", //Head skeleton in hierarchy "Neck","Spine3", "Neck1","Neck", "Head","Neck1", //New facial features "Face_Hub","Head", "Face_Jawbone","Face_Hub", "Face_Jowl","Face_Jawbone", "Face_chopRight","Face_Jawbone", "Face_chopLeft","Face_Jawbone", "Face_LipLowerMiddle","Face_Jawbone", "Face_LipLowerLeft","Face_Jawbone", "Face_LipLowerRight","Face_Jawbone", "Face_Chin","Face_Jawbone", "Face_Tongue","Face_Jawbone", "Face_CornerRight","Face_Hub", "Face_CheekSideRight","Face_CornerRight", "Face_CornerLeft","Face_Hub", "Face_CheekSideLeft","Face_CornerLeft", "Face_CheekFrontRight","Face_Hub", "Face_CheekFrontLeft","Face_Hub", "Face_CheekUpperRight","Face_Hub", "Face_CheekUpperLeft","Face_Hub", "Face_LipUpperMiddle","Face_Hub", "Face_LipUpperRight","Face_Hub", "Face_LipUpperLeft","Face_Hub", "Face_NostrilRight","Face_Hub", "Face_NostrilLeft","Face_Hub", "Face_Forehead","Face_Hub", "Face_BrowFrontRight","Face_Forehead", "Face_BrowFrontLeft","Face_Forehead", "Face_BrowMiddle","Face_Forehead", "Face_BrowSideRight","Face_Forehead", "Face_BrowSideLeft","Face_Forehead", "Face_Eyelids","Face_Hub", "Face_EyelidUpperRight","Face_Hub", "Face_EyelidUpperLeft","Face_Hub", "Face_EyelidLowerRight","Face_Hub", "Face_EyelidLowerLeft","Face_Hub", "EyeLeft","Face_Hub", "EyeRight","Face_Hub", //Left upper side "LeftShoulder","Spine3", "LeftArm","LeftShoulder", "LeftArmRoll","LeftArm", "LeftForeArm","LeftArmRoll", "LeftForeArmRoll","LeftForeArm", "LeftHand","LeftForeArmRoll", "LeftHandRing","LeftHand", "LeftHandRing1","LeftHandRing", "LeftHandRing2","LeftHandRing1", "LeftHandRing3","LeftHandRing2", "LeftHandPinky1","LeftHandRing", "LeftHandPinky2","LeftHandPinky1", "LeftHandPinky3","LeftHandPinky2", "LeftHandMiddle1","LeftHand", "LeftHandMiddle2","LeftHandMiddle1", "LeftHandMiddle3","LeftHandMiddle2", "LeftHandIndex1","LeftHand", "LeftHandIndex2","LeftHandIndex1", "LeftHandIndex3","LeftHandIndex2", "LeftHandThumb1","LeftHand", "LeftHandThumb2","LeftHandThumb1", "LeftHandThumb3","LeftHandThumb2", //Right upper side "RightShoulder","Spine3", "RightArm","RightShoulder", "RightArmRoll","RightArm", "RightForeArm","RightArmRoll", "RightForeArmRoll","RightForeArm", "RightHand","RightForeArmRoll", "RightHandRing","RightHand", "RightHandRing1","RightHandRing", "RightHandRing2","RightHandRing1", "RightHandRing3","RightHandRing2", "RightHandPinky1","RightHandRing", "RightHandPinky2","RightHandPinky1", "RightHandPinky3","RightHandPinky2", "RightHandMiddle1","RightHand", "RightHandMiddle2","RightHandMiddle1", "RightHandMiddle3","RightHandMiddle2", "RightHandIndex1","RightHand", "RightHandIndex2","RightHandIndex1", "RightHandIndex3","RightHandIndex2", "RightHandThumb1","RightHand", "RightHandThumb2","RightHandThumb1", "RightHandThumb3","RightHandThumb2", //Left lower side "LeftUpLeg","Pelvis", "LeftUpLegRoll","LeftUpLeg", "LeftLeg","LeftUpLegRoll", "LeftLegRoll","LeftLeg", "LeftFoot","LeftLegRoll", "LeftToeBase","LeftFoot", //Right lower side "RightUpLeg","Pelvis", "RightUpLegRoll","RightUpLeg", "RightLeg","RightUpLegRoll", "RightLegRoll","RightLeg", "RightFoot","RightLegRoll", "RightToeBase","RightFoot" }; // location of pivot points (local axes) for hierarchical animation pivotsModel="A3\anims_f\data\skeleton\SkeletonPivots.p3d"; }; }; class CfgModels { class Default { sectionsInherit=""; sections[] = {}; skeletonName = ""; }; class ArmaMan : Default { htMin = 60; // Minimum half-cooling time (in seconds) htMax = 1800; // Maximum half-cooling time (in seconds) afMax = 30; // Maximum temperature in case the model is alive (in celsius) mfMax = 0; // Maximum temperature when the model is moving (in celsius) mFact = 1; // Metabolism factor - number from interval <0, 1> (0 - metabolism has no influence, 1 - metabolism has full influence (no other temperature source will be considered)). tBody = 37; // Metabolism temperature of the model (in celsius) sections[] = { "osobnost","Head_Injury","Body_Injury","l_leg_injury","l_arm_injury","r_arm_injury","r_leg_injury","injury_body", "injury_legs", "injury_hands", "clan","clan_sign","Camo","CamoB","Camo1","Camo2","personality","hl", "injury_head" }; skeletonName = "OFP2_ManSkeleton"; }; };
  2. I'm making a silly mod for my friends but I'm having a problem with building the mod due to unknown error. I've added my mod's code bellow. I dont have to much expirience with arma modding so I have no clue what the error might point out. ||| config.cpp ||| class CfgPatches { class MSP_patches { units[] = {}; requiredVersion = 1.00; requiredAddons[] = { "A3_Modules_F", "3DEN" }; author = "Mlody"; name = "Mlody's Silly Pack"; version = "0.1"; }; }; class CfgFunctions { class Mlodys_Silly_Pack { class LowBlow { tag = "MSP"; file = "fn_msp"; class msp; }; }; }; class CfgMovesBasic { class Actions; }; class CfgMovesMaleSdr : CfgMovesBasic { class States { class CutSceneAnimationBaseSit; class MSP_player_kick_weapon : CutSceneAnimationBaseSit { looped = 0; speed = -1.5; file = "Mlody's Silly Pack\Assets\Anims\character_kick_rifle.rtm"; canPullTrigger = 0; disableWeapons = 0; disableWeaponsLong = 0; weaponLowered = 0; canReload = 0; }; class MSP_player_kick_no_weapon : CutSceneAnimationBaseSit { looped = 0; speed = -1.5; file = "Mlody's Silly Pack\Assets\Anims\character_kick_No_weapon.rtm"; }; }; }; class CfgUserActions { class MSPactionKey // This class name is used for internal representation and also for the inputAction command. { displayName = "MSP Kick"; tooltip = "Deploy only if it would be really funny."; onActivate = "[] spawn MSP_fnc_msp"; onDeactivate = ""; onAnalog = ""; analogChangeThreshold = 0.1; }; }; class CfgDefaultKeysPresets { class Arma2 // Arma2 is inherited by all other presets. { class Mappings { MSP_MSPactionKey[] = { 0x21 // DIK_F? }; }; }; }; class UserActionGroups { class ModSection // Unique classname of your category. { name = "MSP"; // Display name of your category. isAddon = 1; group[] = { "MSP_MSPactionKey" }; // List of all actions inside this category. }; }; ||| Function file ||| _target = cursorObject; _pointer = player; _curw = currentWeapon _pointer; sleep 1; { if ((_target)isKindOf "Man" && ((_pointer distance _target <= 1) && (_target in vehicle == 0))) then{ if (_curw == "") then{ _target lookAt _pointer; [_pointer, "MSP_player_kick_no_weapon"] remoteExec["playMove", 0]; sleep = 1.5; if (vehicle _target != _target) exitWith{}; private "_rag"; _rag = "Land_Can_V3_F" createVehicleLocal[0, 0, 0]; _rag setMass 1e10; _rag attachTo[_target,[0, 0, 0], "Spine3"]; _rag setVelocity[0, 0, 6]; _target allowDamage false; detach _rag; 0 = _rag spawn{ deleteVehicle _this; _target allowDamage true; }; }; if (_curw == (primaryWeapon _pointer) then{ _target lookAt _pointer; _pointer playMove "MSP_player_kick_weapon"; sleep 1.5; if (vehicle _target != _target) exitWith{}; private "_rag"; _rag = "Land_Can_V3_F" createVehicleLocal[0, 0, 0]; _rag setMass 1e10; _rag attachTo[_target,[0, 0, 0], "Spine3"]; _rag setVelocity[0, 0, 6]; _target allowDamage false; detach _rag; 0 = _rag spawn{ deleteVehicle _this; _target allowDamage true; }; }; };
  3. I tried to make this script teleports player in random place in the zone, except designated zones. When I launch the action, I got "Error: type STRING, expected ARRAY, on index 0, in ['Respawn_Zone",50,500,5,0,45,0,["NO_1","NO_2","NO_3","NO_4"]. "NO_1" - 4 are the zones for the player not to teleport to. this addAction["<t color='#F5340B'>Rozpocznij Rozgrywkę</t>", { _pos = ["Respawn_Zone", 50, 500, 5, 0, 45, 0, ["NO_1", "NO_2", "NO_3", "NO_4"]] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos; {player setPos (getPos _pos)}; }]; I would be grateful for help.