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Everything posted by DoctorBoingo

  1. Would this be something youre looking for? moveOut P1; This should disembark the UNIT. For example in my mission I have a trigger with a 5 second delay that Disembarks the unit from whatever vehicle they are in(in my case. The units disembark from a helicopter) P1 is just the Variable name of my character. You can use it on multiple units. I also have moveOut P1; moveOut P2;
  2. Hello, Scenario is SP/MP and I'm creating this on my local PC to host a game with my friends using LAN. I'm by no means good at scripting and I have scoured the forums, using all of the knowledge of this community to get the animation to work correctly but I can't. (Found alot of cool and useful stuff) but the idea is simple(which execution never is). I am currently trying to make a mission with a cutscene(NOT CINEMATIC FOR RECORDING) using the "player/players" body when they reach a certain point. My problem is, that when animations are applied to the "UNIT" the PLAYER is playing, The animation stutters. The Players body will attempt to start a simple slow walk, stutter, snap to erect and slide across the ground, then attempt to go to walking and walk for maybe a second then stutters, stands erect, slides across ground, REPEAT. Below is in my "Camera.Sqf". Minus The camera commands. As it still stutters without the camera commands. player playmove "AmovPercMwlkSlowWrflDf_v3"; sleep 5.00; player switchmove "";sleep 0.5; player playmove "AmovPercMwlkSlowWrflDf_v3"; sleep 5.00; I know about the Hubspectatorwalk but in the example above. I'm just keeping it simple. I will add more animations besides walking. So just Hubspectatorwalk is not an option. As the characters will need to turn and perform other animations during the scene. I have tried disabling player Input(thinking it was trying to use the mouse or keys for characters animation and overriding the animation) but that didn't work. Tried to force careless stance, and limited movement speed-No avail. it works for AI units(which DOES make sense to me). Is it possible to animate the players body without "Stuttering"? If so, anyone have ideas? Side question for Bohemia- Why do the turn left/right animations on AI units NOT TURN THEM??????? (set direction snaps the target. I KNOW it is possible to smooth the turn through other means, but why should I need it. When theres an animation...for turning..." --If its already KNOWN that it CAN'T be done please let know-- Any assistance is appreciated. Here's a short vid of the issue. Ignore the Camera1 script error. I just have another trigger trying to fire another sqf it cant find.