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About 2chins

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  1. 2chins

    Elimination rewards are flawed

    It would be nice if someone from the dev team actually monitored this page, seeing as how it's the official forum. Oh well, just goes to show how much they actually care about player experience and feedback. @fOrsythiaa
  2. 2chins

    Elimination rewards are flawed

    Also, the loadouts need to be more balanced. I understand the concept of having a scale of loadouts, so that people spend crowns to secure the premium selection, but I was just in game where the top loadout was Bugle and L85(basically the two best guns in the game) and the lowest was a fucking Crossbow and Silver Pigeon(the two worst weapons, excluding knives). Besides the horrendous imbalance, having any loadout with two weapons that take the same ammo is a bad idea, because when you run out of ammo for one, you're out of ammo for the other too, essentially having no backup.
  3. 2chins

    Level gone after update

    New season, everyone goes back to 0.
  4. For the most part, I am enjoying the new Elimination format. However, the rewards system has a major flaw. Currently, for winning the elimination, the first reward tier is a Military grade crate, second tier is Special Issue crate, then Elimination crate. The problem is that the Elimination crate is not as good as either of the crates that come before it, both in terms of loot value and XP awarded for opening. So when boosters are used, and it pushes you past the special issue crate, you have essentially spent crowns to receive a lower reward. I suggest that the Elimination crate be the first tier of reward, before Military crate, or change the loot items and XP so that it is actually a better reward than the other crates. This problem also appears in Shootout; 3rd place gets a Weapons crate, while 4th place gets an Uncommon crate, which is worth more XP and has better loot.
  5. 2chins

    Bring back the previous rewards for Shootout.

    There are so many issues with the game that could be easily addressed, yet the devs fail to even acknowledge. I personally stopped playing the game weeks ago, and am only monitoring the forum to see if they actually fix anything. I think the only way they will acknowledge and fix the faults is if enough people do the same. Though if there are enough new players coming in they will never care about the ones they are losing. Sad.
  6. 2chins

    signal detector are bugged.

    Could be that players closer to you are under the cloak of a signal blocker. I've only used the portable detector a handful of times, but I've never had a reason to doubt what it displays.
  7. 2chins

    Shootout and elimination bug (bald guy + no reward)

    @fOrsythiaa When the bald boys show up, the match is glitched and no rewards of any kind are recieved by anyone. This is a seperate issue from the new rewards system and predates the season 8 update.
  8. 2chins

    Vigor Game Suggestions

    Yeah, Scrap Bin requirements are ridiculous. I mean, I guess it makes sense that it requires metal, but being such a large investment that it takes weeks or months to recover makes it kinda pointless, unless you have all other upgrades already. Besides basic upgrades to make the game run better, I would like to see some more anti-camper measures added, specifically for exit campers. I know there are warnings about campers, but camping the exit is seriously just the lamest way to play the game, and it negatively effects the majority of the game base who go out and engage in the encounter, playing the game as it should be. "Just bring a signal detector." Well, they're fairly rare and the plan is super rare. I would suggest that if someone is with in a set proximity to an exit for more than a minute, they should be marked on the map for all to see, until they leave the area; and if they return they should be marked faster. Also, I think adding more maps to the Shootout mode is desperately needed. There is at least one area in pretty much every Encounter map that would make for a good shootout location. And of course, re-revise the rewards. (◍•ᴗ•◍)
  9. 2chins

    Daily Missions are a problem

    When at the Encounters menu, press touch pad to view challenges, then press Square to view rewards, hold Triangle to remove challenge, new one appears at time indicated.
  10. 2chins

    Shootout rewards broken

    Well, if you want people to invest in the boosters, you shouldn't have reduced the amount of crowns received.
  11. 2chins

    Shootout rewards broken

    I've noticed a couple times now, I've recieved just a single weapons or resource crate, and not an actual shootout crate as indicated at the end of the match. Interesting... @fOrsythiaa
  12. Ever since the season 8 update, in addition to being heavily nerfed, I find the rewards for shootout often not showing up at all. I have placed first multiple times to find no new crates awaiting back at the shelter. I don't think I have recieved any for placing 2nd or 3rd, despite the screen at the end of the game indicating I earned a crate. Pretty disappointing considering how heavily nerfed the rewards for the shootout mode are this season. I started playing Vigor in season 7 and enjoyed playing both Encounters and Shootout, definitely started playing more shootout once I got decent and could podium reliably, as it was an easy way to amass supplies and experience, and propell me to the level 50 cap. So I do understand that the system could have used a bit of a rework, but to reduce both the quantity and quality of the rewards to the point that even winning is of negligible benefit to one's progression, I think is a little too much. At least restore the XP for opening the crates. Also, please consider adding another map or two for the shootout mode, and change up some of the weapons to keep it interesting and enjoyable for everyone. Thank you.