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Posts posted by D'Paula

  1. I have two questions that still persist in the H&M mission.
    1- fog, no matter how much I change Ace's time, leaving it at 8 hours, taking out the height in relation to sea level, the fog continues to activate after a while. And I always need to log in as administrator and execute 0 setFog 0. Is there a way to not have fog on the server?
    2- within the logistics, I manage to repair the carcasses, but I am using the aircraft, Hatchet H-60 pack, when the aircraft is destroyed and becomes a carcass, when I place it on the logistics mat, the aircraft, when the wreckage is repaired, it does not return with the Hatchet H-60 pack aircraft, but the RHS UH60 aircraft. How to repair the aircraft Hatchet h60 pack?

    Thank you for your attention.
    D'Paula CETCAM

  2. Hello, @Vdauphin I'm facing a situation where:
    I have in "markers" where, one is like HQ(btc_base), a rectangle with the variable name of (BLUFOR_BASE) and another respawn with the name of, sniper track with variable name of (respawn_westAtir)
    This inside the dedicated is generating me a random respawn when some new operator enters the server it is not directed to any of the respawns as said above.
    The respawn is sending the operator to a position (076311) in a letter, and when the operator joins the server he is thrown into that position with broken legs and arms. In Description I have the following description:
    respawn = 3;
    respawnDelay = 20;
    respawnDialog = 0;
    respawnOnStart = 0;
    respawnTemplates[] = {"MenuPosition", "Tickets"};

    I am facing this condition, on H&M 1.23.2

    Thank you for your attention.
    D'Paula CETCAM

  3. Olá, como faço para que um logotipo seja exibido em um veículo/aeronaves em minha missão de coração e mente globalmente para todos que entrarem no servidor dedicado?

    Adicionado o seguinte comando ao init do veículo. Preciso adicionar alguma chamada? qual pasta devo adicionar?

    Estou fazendo algo errado?

    Adicionei o seguinte comando ao init da aeronave:
    this setObjectTextureGlobal [0, "rhsusf\addons\rhsusf_a2port_air\uh60m\data\uh60m_fuselage_co.paa","rhsusf\addons\rhsusf_a2port_air\uh60m\data\uh60m_engine_co.paa"];

    = mission.sqf 

    class Item5
                                        class PositionInfo
                                        class Atributos
                                            init="call{this setVariable [""btc_dont_delete"",true];}; " \n "este setObjectTextureGlobal [0,""rhsusf\addons\rhsusf_a2port_air\uh60m\data\uh60m_fuselage_co.paa"",""rhsusf\ addons\rhsusf_a2port_air\uh60m\data\uh60m_engine_co.paa""];";

                                            class Attribute0
                                                expression="if (local _this) then {([_this] + _value + [true]) chamar (uinamespace getvariable 'BIS_fnc_initVehicle')};";
                                                class Valor

                     Obrigado pela atenção

    Atenciosamente D'Paula Admin / Coord.Marketing / Programador Junior CETCAM ARMA 3 MILSIM

  4. Hello colleague, I was looking for a situation on the forums and I came across your question. However, this change can be created by Alive, pressing the key on the right side of the keyboard, between the space, the key on the side of the windows flag, you must look for the option in Alive viewdistance.

    I hope I can solve your problem.


    Best regards D'Paula Admin / Coord.Marketing / Junior Programmer CETCAF ARMA 3 MILSIM

  5. 14 minutes ago, Vdauphin said:

    Olá e bem-vindo,


    Parece que você está falando sobre as habilidades do inimigo. Existem definições em /core/def/param.hpp#L248-L307


    Se você quiser ajustar a quantidade de inimigos, você pode querer aumentar o número de esconderijos primeiro: /core/def/param.hpp#L212-L217

    Você ainda pode aumentar globalmente a quantidade de inimigos por /core/def/param.hpp#L122-L127 ou por tipo de cidade aqui:  /core/fnc/city/activate.sqf#L108-L117


    Feliz Natal e um excelente ano novo para você e sua comunidade também






    Thank you very much for the speed and prowess of service and intensity of immersion Arma 3.

    Just one last question, animals and also mosquitoes bees... whoever is flying during the recordings kkkk.
      Is there a possibility to remove all animals and insects?

    Are the (Enemies') numbers to be best developed for Weapon 3 Milsim beginners below 1 < 0.05 , 0.001?

    Grateful for the Generosity and sharing of instructional methodical knowledge.

    D'Paula Admin / Coord.Marketing / Junior Programmer CETCAF ARMA 3 MILSIM

  6. good afternoon everyone,
    I would like to edit the amount of enemies (aimingaccuracy,aimingshake,spotdistance,spottime,courage,commanding,aimingspeed,general,endurance,reloadspeed, on Hearts and Minds, I would like to know, if this topic has already been posted and if you could direct me to the subject.

    Grateful and Merry Christmas and An excellent New Year to all.

    Best regards D'Paula Admin/Coord.Marketing/Junior programmer CETCAF ARMA 3 MILSIM
