Local PC Hosting 0.97.61 Steam Kick Code Group 1 Replication Reason 3 Connection Failure
I am wondering if anyone can help me through this issue to host Reforger on my PC to 4 or less players. Here is my config and I posted the server startup log and some screenshots.
"dedicatedServerId": "48714073-5328-46b6-b2b4-5e5e25617d87",
"region": "US-GA",
"gameHostBindAddress": "",
"gameHostBindPort": 2001,
"gameHostRegisterBindAddress": "X.X.X.X",
"gameHostRegisterPort": 2001,
"game": {
"name": "Unofficial 7th Rangers Reforger",
"password": "Omitted",
"scenarioId": "{ECC61978EDCC2B5A}Missions/23_Campaign.conf",
"playerCountLimit": 4,
"visible": true,
"gameProperties": {
"serverMaxViewDistance": 0,
"serverMinGrassDistance": 0,
"networkViewDistance": 500,
"disableThirdPerson": false,
"fastValidation": true,
"battlEye": true,
"VONDisableUI": true,
"VONDisableDirectSpeechUI": true
"mods": []
Error log
Screenshot of the server in the browser and one showing the error. I can see that my Reforger client did join as the player count shows 1/4 after connecting. The orange radar loads and afterwards times out.
The firewall rules on my PFsense are configured and NAT outbound is an auto-created rule for local subnet network. Tested with Windows firewall off for public and private.