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About insop

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  1. Hi stanhope, Like I said, it happens in warlords. It has happened on Altis, Stratis and Tenoa. I get all sorts of "Deinitialized shape [Class: ... " erroers. But he point her is that it happens when I rearm my Blackfoot immediately at a "Vehicle Ammo [NATO]" just called in by myself right beforehand by selecting "request " " air drop" "your location ". It doesn't seem to happen when i call down "Vehicle Ammo [NATO]" into a sector I own. The Steam verification says: "All files successfully validated." Do you have any solutions? Regards, insop
  2. Hi fellow warlords 🙂 The game keeps crashing when I rearm my Blackfoot immediately at a "Vehicle Ammo [NATO]" just called in by myself right beforehand by selecting "request" "air drop" "your location" . Basically the game just freeze and enters a nonresponsive state. Any way of fixing this? I play Arma 3 in vanilla mode. It happens on the standard maps. I have not checked if it happens on other maps as well. Thanks in advance for looking into it. Regards, insop