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Ola Holtan

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About Ola Holtan

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  1. * FIXED THIS So i have 2 missiles for this mod and both are building of vanilla Spike AT Ammo and both showing up as AT i have tested whats below but that is apperantly for ERA warheadName = HE; * FIXED
  2. @Harzach first of they are no longer suporting ITC and have given permition for anyone to reuplod/chang theyr mod, this was never released i know this is not my mod i forgot to put creddits in here i have fixed multiple bugs with the mod allready
  3. Hi i am having some problems with my mod forcing camera on other players not just me belive the problem is in this sqf /* * itc_land_spike_fnc_fired */ params ["_unit", "_weapon", "_muzzle", "_mode", "_ammo", "_magazine", "_projectile", "_gunner"]; //player addmagazine _magazine; itc_land_spike_currentMissile = _projectile; itc_land_spike_launchTime = cba_missionTime; itc_land_spike_activationTime = cba_missionTime; itc_land_spike_wobble = [if (random 1 > 0.5) then [{-1},{1}], 5 + (random 10), (round (random 3)) * 0.25]; private _viewASL = AGLtoASL positionCameraToWorld [0,0,0]; private _intersect = [AGLtoASL positionCameraToWorld [0,0,0], _viewASL vectorFromTo (AGLtoASL positionCameraToWorld [0,0,1])] call itc_land_spike_fnc_intersectScreenToWorld; if (!isNil "_intersect" && {(_intersect distance player) > 500}) then { itc_land_spike_targetPos = _intersect; itc_land_spike_targetPosCamera = _intersect; } else { private _forward = AGLtoASL (player modelToWorld [0,3000,0]); itc_land_spike_targetPos = _forward; itc_land_spike_targetPosCamera = _forward; }; [] call itc_land_spike_fnc_startCamera; [] call itc_land_spike_fnc_missile; Any help is apreciated
  4. Ola Holtan

    mod help

    Moved to other tread due to seeing i posted in the wrong place
  5. Is it possible that you add a feature, that allows for people with a longrange radio to hand over a telephone. Instead of giving the TL the hole LR they can just take a phone and talk on radio.