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Everything posted by Cowboy9470

  1. Cowboy9470

    Season challenges Are bugged for me

    Same Vigor different day. Too busy making the game more “First time user friendly” to take the time to fix the real problems. Playing side by side with a friend. He gets Seasonal Challenges done in a match and collects rewards while I fulfill the same requirements and get back to my recently dilapidated shelter only to find that I didn’t receive credit for completing or progressing in any of the seasonal challenges. He recommended that I try to re-roll the ones that weren’t working, and I said that would only cost me about 585 gold crowns. Unfortunately they’re banking on making a bunch of money off these “new” players before they play long enough to realize how screwed up the game really is. For example the new 9mm SMG that hits harder than most Assault Rifles in the game. Really?!?