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Everything posted by pres1ige

  1. Team, I'm trying to use the "ace_cargo_fnc_loadItem" within the init of several crates to have them pre-loaded into some vehicles at mission start. I've narrowed down one issue (whereby the crates have to be within a certain distance of the target vehicle) but cannot understand why one vehicle will load 4 crates and the others will only load 2. I've confirmed that there is sufficient cargo space to load the additional crates within each of the target vehicles, I've ensured that each of the crates can be loaded in isolation (eliminating a conflict between crate type and target vehicle) and gone over and over the code. Below are links to some images that will hopefully clarify what I'm talking about. Has anyone else encountered this problem with ace? If so, did you find a solution at all? Script that I'm using is placed in the "init" of each cargo crate and reads as follows: [variable of cargo, variable of target vehicle] call ace_cargo_fnc_loadItem - editor - In-game - ace interact
  2. All, Ace Fortify uses chat commands to dictate the amount of resources available. Does anyone know how to replicate this using a trigger so that I can increase the supplies as additional resources arrive in the area without having someone write it in the chat each time? I've tried the following commands without success: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/systemChat https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/serverCommand
  3. Thanks buddy, I really appreciate this. Sorry it took me so long to get eyes on - family dramas
  4. Dreadpirate - first off, thanks for an amazing Mod, I can't tell you how much I love it. Second, I'm struggling to make JEBUS scripting work with the modules for "LAMBS Danger Waypoints" - specifically the "Task CAMP", "Task GARRISON", and "Task PATROL". I've searched the forums but can't figure out why this is the case - I'm a bit of a noob though, so it might be really obvious. Is there anyway of getting the mods to work together? Many thanks for your consideration in this matter Pete