I am having an issue with colliders. I am fairly new to this, and I can't figure out what am I doing wrong here. Here is what I did :
1 : Creating a few box colliders in my blender mesh :
2 : Selecting all of them and use the Enfusion blender tool to give them properties :
3 : Exporting my building to FBX accordingly to the wiki instructions :
4 : Importing into the workbench accordingly to the wiki as well, and then checking that the colliders actually appear : they do (yay ! already a victory, after a few hours of unsuccessful imports !)
5 : Manually selecting "building" layer in the import settings, and re-import. But, when I hit the play button, my soldier is not blocked at all by any colliders...
There is probably an obvious mistake I did somewhere, but I can't find any ressource, other than the wiki wich I followed as much as I could.
Any help 🙂 ?