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About OrangeP0wer

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  1. apparently it was the contact dlc new UI overhaul overlapping with the senario's older one. so all i did was unloaded contact dlc in the launcher, then started up the senerio and it was fixed.
  2. thanks man, you're a god send, also no. im not using anymods. edit: yep i looked on the forums you linked and i found a fix. many thanks man this was a really frustrationing problem for me.
  3. so a quick summary of what's happening, yknow how when you open the map and then on the left hand side there's a phone option menu. well i try clicking on those buttons and nothings works, except the skip time button. i can't access messages or anything else. this is a big hamper in my experience, because i reset the senario trying to fix the issue. losing all my saves from the 12 hours of progress i had made. i also tried verifying the game files too but that did nothing. any kind of suggestions would be greatly appreciated. note: im not really that well versed on computers btw, just coming off from playing console games. = n