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Everything posted by Aurora152

  1. @Joe98 Yeah, shoulder patches.
  2. Aurora152

    Animations help

    I give up... I have been at this for four days. These animations are an absolute nightmare. For future me, if I ever decide to try this again here is where I got to: Trigger 1 with condition set to true, with activation of this: SF2 attachTo [SFHeli2, [0.8, 1, -2.25]]; SF2 setDir 90; SF2 switchMove "Acts_SittingJumpingSaluting_loop3"; SFHeli12 disableCollisionWith SF2; Trigger 2 with condition of: isTouchingGround SFHeli2; and this in the activation: null = [] spawn { SF2 disableAI "ALL"; sleep 2; {_x disableAI "ALL"} forEach crew SFHeli2; SF2 SwitchMove "Acts_SittingJumpingSaluting_out"; SF2 attachTo [SFHeli2, [0.8, 1, -2.5]]; detach SF2; SF2 setDir 90; sleep 1.5; SF2 setDir 90; SF2 switchMove "Acts_ComingInSpeakingWalkingOut_1"; sleep 6.600; SF2 playMove "Acts_ComingInSpeakingWalkingOut_2"; sleep 2.532; SF2 enablesimulation false; [west, ["Talk to the soldier"], ["Talk to the soldier", "Talk to the soldier", ""], [SF2] ,true, 1, true, "", true] call BIS_fnc_taskCreate; [ SF2, "Talk to Soldier", "\a3\ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\holdactions\holdAction_connect_ca.paa", "\a3\ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\holdactions\holdAction_connect_ca.paa", "_this distance _target < 3", "_caller distance _target < 3", {}, {}, { SF2 enablesimulation true; SF2 switchMove "Acts_ComingInSpeakingWalkingOut_2"; sleep 2.532; SF2 playMove "Acts_ComingInSpeakingWalkingOut_2"; sleep 2.532; SF2 playMove "Acts_ComingInSpeakingWalkingOut_3"; sleep 9.532; SF2 playMove "Acts_ComingInSpeakingWalkingOut_4"; sleep 12.836; SF2 playMove "Acts_ComingInSpeakingWalkingOut_5"; sleep 2.267; SF2 playMove "Acts_ComingInSpeakingWalkingOut_6"; sleep 10.905; SF2 playMove "Acts_ComingInSpeakingWalkingOut_7"; sleep 6.666; SF2 playMove "Acts_ComingInSpeakingWalkingOut_8"; sleep 3.400; SF2 playMove "Acts_ComingInSpeakingWalkingOut_9"; sleep 4.899; SF2 playMove "Acts_ComingInSpeakingWalkingOut_10"; sleep 2.666; SF2 playMove "Acts_ComingInSpeakingWalkingOut_11"; sleep 11.037; SF2 attachTo [SFheli2, [1.3, 1, -1.9]]; SF2 setDir 90; SF2 switchMove "Acts_SittingJumpingSaluting_in"; sleep 7.434; SF2 attachTo [SFheli2, [0.8, 1, -2.25]]; SF2 playMove "Acts_SittingJumpingSaluting_loop3"; SF2 attachTo [SFheli2, [0.8, 1, -2.25]]; SF2 setDir 90; {_x enableAI "ALL"} forEach crew SFHeli2; }, {}, [], 3, 0, true, false ] remoteExec ["BIS_fnc_holdActionAdd", 0, SF2]; };
  3. Hello all, SF = Soldier inside SFHeli1 = Helicopter that he is in I have just started looking into and using animations in sequences rather than a loop of a stationary animation. I am having a little difficulty with the moving animations though. What I am wanting to do is: Attach an AI soldier to a helicopter in the start pose of the animation (Done) Have helicopter fly to location, land and wait with doors open (Done) When the helicopter lands, have the guy inside play a sequence of animations (Semi-done) No.3 is the bit I am stuck on. I am using this for steps 1 and 2: this = [] spawn { SFheli1 animateDoor ["DoorRB", 1]; SFheli1 animateDoor ["DoorLB", 1]; [SFHeli1, SF] remoteExecCall ["disableCollisionWith", 0, SFHeli1]; SF switchMove "Acts_NATOCommanderArrival_Commander_1"; SF attachTo [SFheli1, [0.8, 1.619, -2.25]]; SF setDir 90; }; Currently, I have the animation start on a radio trigger for testing purposes with this in it: this = [] spawn { detach SF; SF enableSimulationGlobal true; SF disableCollisionWith SFHeli1; SF switchMove "Acts_NATOCommanderArrival_Commander_1"; sleep 1.666; SF switchMove "Acts_NATOCommanderArrival_Commander_2"; sleep 0.001; SF attachTo [SFheli1, [5, 1.619, -2.25]]; detach SF; SF setDir 90; SF switchMove "Acts_NATOCommanderArrival_Commander_3"; sleep 4.833; SF switchMove "Acts_NATOCommanderArrival_Commander_4"; sleep 1.166; SF switchMove "Acts_NATOCommanderArrival_Commander_5"; sleep 15; SF switchMove "Acts_NATOCommanderArrival_Commander_6"; sleep 5.333; SF switchMove "Acts_NATOCommanderArrival_Commander_7"; sleep 3.333; SF switchMove "Acts_NATOCommanderArrival_Commander_8"; sleep 1.032; SF switchMove "Acts_NATOCommanderArrival_Commander_9"; sleep 1.134; SF switchMove "Acts_SittingJumpingSaluting_in"; sleep 7.434; SF switchMove "Acts_SittingJumpingSaluting_loop3"; SF attachTo [SFheli1, [0.8, 1.619, -2.5]]; SF setDir 90; sleep 40; }; All this works fine, but there is one big problem. When the simulation is restarted and the animations are triggered, they play but the soldiers stays at the same location and doesn't move with the animation i.e. he walks on the spot. I have had a brief look into keyframe animations, which could be a solution, but I can't get them to activate via trigger and I can't guarantee the landing location and orientation of the helicopter will be the exact same each time. So unless I can attach the starting key to the soldier to update the start position. So my question, really, is how do I get the guy to move with his animation? Edit: A quick video demonstrating what is happening. I have purposefully moved him 5 meters away from the helicopter when he gets out to prove that he is not colliding with the helicopter. I have found that if the helicopter takes off, then he will resume walking properly with movement across the ground, but I need the helicopter to stay stationary until he gets back in. TIA, Aurora
  4. Hello All, At the start of my mission, your screen is black whilst you are moved into one of two Humvees in a convoy. The Humvees are driven by AI that are grouped together. They have a waypoint which is set to Careless and Forced Hold Fire. For some reason, when the player is moved into humvee2 the vehicle stops. However, if the player is moved into humvee1 it carries on moving fine. I am using: (player moveInAny humvee2) or (player moveInAny humvee1); in a trigger that is activated by any player and is repeatable. Does anybody know how to fix the trail Humvee stopping when a player moves into the vehicle? TIA, Aurora
  5. I've deleted the MOVE waypoint, and just got the end transport unload waypoint. the driver goes a different way to what I want him to, but I can work with it. Thanks for the help. 🙂
  6. I have given up trying to fix the second Humvee and substituted with a single larger vehicle that can fit everybody. However, now I have the problem that the driver stops at the first waypoint... I have tried using the completion radius but that doesn't work...
  7. Hello All, I am trying to get a sound playing from a Humvee with this: _null = [] spawn {for "_i" from 1 to 999 do { playSound3D [getMissionPath "" + "sound\radiochatter.ogg", humvee1, false, getPosASL humvee1, 5, 1, 20]; sleep 60; }; }; And it works perfectly for a stationary object. Is there a way to make this work for a moving vehicle? TIA, Aurora
  8. @major-stiffy It would appear you have the magic touch... All working now. Thanks for the help! 🙂
  9. I already have an AI driving the car, so the player is put into the next highest priority position? I have also locked the driver seat so the player cant switch to it or remove the AI driver.
  10. Yeah, i've got the CfgSounds in the description. I have other stuff in there, but the radiochatter is at the bottom. class CfgSounds { class uragan_1 { name = "uragan_1"; sound[] = {"\sound\uragan_1.ogg", db+5, 1}; titles[] = {1, ""}; }; class bcg_wind { name = "bcg_wind"; sound[] = {"\sound\bcg_wind.ogg", db+5, 1}; titles[] = {1, ""}; }; class rafala_1 { name = "rafala_1"; sound[] = {"\sound\rafala_1.ogg", db+10, 1}; titles[] = {1, ""}; }; class rafala_4_dr { name = "rafala_4_dr"; sound[] = {"\sound\rafala_4_dr.ogg", db+1, 1}; titles[] = {1, ""}; }; class rafala_5_st { name = "rafala_5_st"; sound[] = {"\sound\rafala_5_st.ogg", db+1, 1}; titles[] = {1, ""}; }; class sandstorm { name = "sandstorm"; sound[] = {"\sound\sandstorm.ogg", db+10, 1}; titles[] = {1, ""}; }; class radiochatter { name = "radiochatter"; sound[] = {"sound\radiochatter.ogg", dB+5, 1, 15}; titles[] = {1, ""}; }; };
  11. @gc8 The player is prioritised into the gunner seat first, then the "co-driver" (front passenger), then into the rear passenger seats. It wouldn't explain why the lead vehicle doesn't stop though?
  12. @beno_83au Unfortunately, that didn't work... [humvee1, "radiochatter"] remoteExec ["say3D", ([0, -2] select isDedicated), false]; @major-stiffy This didn't either... [humvee1, ["radiochatter", 100, 1]] remoteExec ["say3D"];
  13. I have been playing around with that, but I need it to be global so everyone can hear it... I have tried this: [humvee1, ["radiochatter", 1, 1]] remoteExec ["say3D", ([0, -2] select isDedicated), false]; In an attempt to make it global, however it isn't working...
  14. @beno_83au I'm confused as to which I would need to remove? I've tried: _null = [] spawn {for "_i" from 1 to 999 do { playSound3D [getMissionPath "" + "sound\radiochatter.ogg", [], false, getPosASL humvee1, 5, 1, 20]; sleep 60; }; }; It didn't work. I have also tried: _null = [] spawn {for "_i" from 1 to 999 do { playSound3D [getMissionPath "" + "sound\radiochatter.ogg", humvee1, false, [0,0,0], 5, 1, 20]; sleep 60; }; }; And that didn't work either...
  15. Hello All, I have a mission where I need a constant flow of civilians coming through an alleyway. They spawn at 2 spawn locations, follow 2 waypoints then go to a waypoint to be deleted. However, the rate at which the civilians are spawning is faster than they are being deleted causing low FPS. I need to set a limit to the amount of units in the group. So far I have this: _civ = _civgroup createUnit [_x, getMarkerPos [selectRandom ["civspawn1", "civspawn2"]], [], 0, "NONE"]; AUR_spawn = [] spawn { AUR_civ_array = [ "LOP_Tak_Civ_Man_01", "LOP_Tak_Civ_Man_02", "LOP_Tak_Civ_Man_03", "LOP_Tak_Civ_Man_04", "LOP_Tak_Civ_Man_05", "LOP_Tak_Civ_Man_06", "LOP_Tak_Civ_Man_07", "LOP_Tak_Civ_Man_08", "LOP_Tak_Civ_Man_09", "LOP_Tak_Civ_Man_10", "LOP_Tak_Civ_Man_11", "LOP_Tak_Civ_Man_12", "LOP_Tak_Civ_Man_13", "LOP_Tak_Civ_Man_14", "LOP_Tak_Civ_Man_15", "LOP_Tak_Civ_Man_16" ]; while {(count units group _civ) < 25} do { { _civgroup = createGroup [civilian, true]; _civ = _civgroup createUnit [_x, getMarkerPos [selectRandom ["civspawn1", "civspawn2"]], [], 0, "NONE"]; _wp1 = _group addWaypoint [getmarkerpos "civwypt1", 0]; _wp1 setWaypointType "MOVE"; _wp1 setWaypointSpeed "FULL"; _wp1 setWaypointBehaviour "CARELESS"; _wp2 = _civgroup addWaypoint [getmarkerpos "civwypt2", 0]; _wp2 setWaypointType "MOVE"; _wp2 setWaypointSpeed "FULL"; _wp2 setWaypointBehaviour "CARELESS"; _wp3 = _civgroup addWaypoint [getmarkerpos "civwypt3", 0]; _wp3 setWaypointType "MOVE"; _wp3 setWaypointSpeed "FULL"; _wp3 setWaypointBehaviour "CARELESS"; _wp4 = _civgroup addWaypoint [getmarkerpos [selectRandom ["civend1", "civend2", "civend3"]], 0]; _wp4 setWaypointType "MOVE"; _wp4 setWaypointSpeed "FULL"; _wp4 setWaypointBehaviour "CARELESS"; _wp4 setWaypointStatements ["true", "{deleteVehicle _x} forEach units this"]; sleep 0.5; } forEach AUR_civ_array; sleep 1; }; }; However, I am getting an undefined variable error from the _civ in while {(count units group _civ) <25} I thought that it may be because the unit hadn't actually been spawned yet, so I put the top line in but still got the same thing. Any suggestions? TIA, Aurora
  16. Aurora152

    Ai Spawn Loop Limit

    @Rimsiakas That appears to have worked perfectly. Thank you!
  17. Hello All, I am wanting to have the fade from black cutscene for my mission intro. However, to get the Apex respawn loadouts working I have to have the players respawn immediately on start. Is there a way to get the intro to work when the player actually spawns into the mission? TIA, Aurora
  18. Aurora152

    Intro After RespawnOnStart

    @Melody_Mike Yeah, spologies. Its hard to explain something when you don't know exactly what you're wanting... xD Managed to find a work around. Added a respawn point onto a Humvee, with a secondary condition of time < 60; With this in the activation: nul = [] spawn { cutText ["", "BLACK FADED", 5, false, false]; sleep 3; cutText ["", "BLACK IN", 5, false, false]; [0,0,true,false] spawn BIS_fnc_cinemaBorder; [ [ ["Operation Green Zone", "<br/ <t valign = 'top', <t align = 'Left' shadow = '1' size = '1.0'>%1</t>", 15], ["Part 1: Bad Intel", "<br/ <t valign = 'center', <t align = 'Left' shadow = '1' size = '1.0'>%1</t>", 15] ] ] spawn BIS_fnc_typeText; sleep 8.5; [ [ ["Routine convoy on the Baghdad highway...", "<br/ <t valign = 'bottom', <t align = 'left' shadow = '1' size = '1.0'>%1</t>", 15] ] ] spawn BIS_fnc_typeText; sleep 5; [1,3,true,false] spawn BIS_fnc_cinemaBorder; }; Ends up looking like this:
  19. Aurora152

    Ai Spawn Loop Limit

    @Rimsiakas Unfortunately, that hasn't worked. It does seem like respects the limit and it doesn't restart the loop once one unit has been deleted.
  20. Hello all, I'm relatively new to scripting in Arma. I am wondering whether someone could just explain the RemoteExec feature to me in the context of a chat message? Currently I have: [[West, "Base"], "Have you found anything?"] remoteExec ["SideChat", 0]; This lets me display a chat message for everyone on the server. I'm not sure why it is arranged the way it is compared to: [west, "Base"] sideChat "Have you found anything?"; However, my main aim from this is to get a chat message from a named AI character (Variablename = Peterson) (Peterson's init: this setName ["Col. Peterson", "Colonel", "Peterson"]; ) to show as from "Col. Peterson" rather than "Base". I understand this needs to be done through CustomChat but I don't understand how to formant the code to work with RemoteExec. Any help would be much appreciated. TIA, Aurora
  21. Aurora152

    RemoteExec Help

    I have managed to find a way around of doing it for now: Change Peterson's callsign (Alpha 3-1) to (Col. Peterson), then use this: [Peterson, "Have you found anything?"] remoteExec ["SideChat", 0]; Still would like to know how the RemoteExec works though... 🙂
  22. Aurora152

    Ai Spawn Loop Limit

    Managed to get rid of the undefined variable error however, now the units don't seem to be adhering to their waypoints and I don't think the loop restarts when a unit is deleted. I have this at the moment: civgroup = createGroup [civilian, true]; civ = civgroup createUnit ["LOP_Tak_Civ_Man_01", getMarkerPos "civspawn1", [], 0, "NONE"]; AUR_spawn = [] spawn { AUR_civ_array = [ "LOP_Tak_Civ_Man_01", "LOP_Tak_Civ_Man_02", "LOP_Tak_Civ_Man_03", "LOP_Tak_Civ_Man_04", "LOP_Tak_Civ_Man_05", "LOP_Tak_Civ_Man_06", "LOP_Tak_Civ_Man_07", "LOP_Tak_Civ_Man_08", "LOP_Tak_Civ_Man_09", "LOP_Tak_Civ_Man_10", "LOP_Tak_Civ_Man_11", "LOP_Tak_Civ_Man_12", "LOP_Tak_Civ_Man_13", "LOP_Tak_Civ_Man_14", "LOP_Tak_Civ_Man_15", "LOP_Tak_Civ_Man_16" ]; while {(count units group civ) < 25} do { { civ = civgroup createUnit [_x, getMarkerPos [selectRandom ["civspawn1", "civspawn2"]], [], 0, "NONE"]; _wp1 = civgroup addWaypoint [getmarkerpos "civwypt1", 0]; _wp1 setWaypointType "MOVE"; _wp1 setWaypointSpeed "FULL"; _wp1 setWaypointBehaviour "CARELESS"; _wp2 = civgroup addWaypoint [getmarkerpos "civwypt2", 0]; _wp2 setWaypointType "MOVE"; _wp2 setWaypointSpeed "FULL"; _wp2 setWaypointBehaviour "CARELESS"; _wp3 = civgroup addWaypoint [getmarkerpos "civwypt3", 0]; _wp3 setWaypointType "MOVE"; _wp3 setWaypointSpeed "FULL"; _wp3 setWaypointBehaviour "CARELESS"; _wp4 = civgroup addWaypoint [getmarkerpos [selectRandom ["civend1", "civend2", "civend3"]], 0]; _wp4 setWaypointType "MOVE"; _wp4 setWaypointSpeed "FULL"; _wp4 setWaypointBehaviour "CARELESS"; _wp4 setWaypointStatements ["true", "{deleteVehicle _x} forEach units this"]; sleep 0.5; } forEach AUR_civ_array; sleep 1; }; };
  23. Hello all, Currently trying to make a Zeus vs Zeus mission (BLUFOR vs OPFOR vs INDEP) on Altis where you are to capture the island through occupying sectors. I am looking to have around 4 people on each side, all occupying Zeus roles. Firstly, I'm just wondering if anyone has tried this before with this many people and if they would be kind enough to let me know how they did it. Secondly, I'm struggling to get the costs structure working correctly. I've managed to get unit, vehicle and group costs done but can't seem to isolate a Zeus to a single faction, even when using the "Set Costs (Side)" Module. Thirdly, the modules costs don't seem to do anything. No matter what value you put the cost to in the "Set Costs (Modules)" module, you can still use all of them. The main reason for this is to disallow people to use the scenario flow so they cant prematurely end the mission etc. Fourthly, I'd like to set up some sort of ticket based structure, so; Occupied zones give x amount of tickets per x time interval. Faction spawning is limited by tickets available. Faction with most amount of ticket when the countdown ends, wins. Any help would be greatly appreciated. TIA, Aurora
  24. Hello all, I am currently making a CTI mission, but I have become stuck on one part. The mission is designed to be AI vs AI going on to be an endless conflict between factions. This is so the player feels like more of a small cog than the main instigator. The mission layout at the moment is: Zones placed on points around the map. BLUFOR and OPFOR both have a main base. Units spawn via the Spawn AI module and are coordinated automatically using the Spawn AI: Sector Tactics Module. This means the player has no input (in-game) as to what the AI do and where they go next. There is a High Command Module synced to each player in case they specifically want the AI to do something, but its a little buggy... As the faction captures a base, on some of the larger zones (cities or major towns) there are AI spawn points which are only activated when the zone is under the factions control. This goes on until both factions meet at a zone and then the battle begins. The problem I have is: To make the mission feel as if there is an actual battle going on, there needs to be a sufficient amount of AI units on either faction which obviously is a very fine balance. I need to find a way to have enough AI units on either side to make the battle seem sufficient, but not too many so that it kills fps. With the current layout, once you get to a point where the enemy are able to sufficiently hold you off, every previously captured base is still supplying units to the current battle. This means that you get a congregation of over a hundred units all sat in the same city battling the oppositions 100+ units... Ideas I have tried: Captured zones spawn AI dependant on who controls the specific zone. Ends up with there being way too many units. The same as above with only a limited amount of zones that spawn AI, not every zone. Ends up with there being too many units. Tried only having AI spawn from their main base and travel independently to the AO. Too few units making for a very boring battle. I had the idea of changing it so that a single zone pops up randomly around the map, then the Ai will spawn around the zone and battle for control. But this defeats the point of a CTI style mission. Any ideas on how I can do this would be much appreciated. TIA.
  25. Hello all, Is there a way to add ALL BLUFOR units/groups that have been spawned via script or Zeus, when in-game, to a high command module? I understand there is hcSetGroup but this is done individually per group. Is there a possibility of running it in a loop every few seconds to add new units? I have been tinkering around with the expression input in the Spawn AI Module and have this: player hcSetGroup [_this]; However, I am getting an error of it being an array instead of a group... I have tried: _grp = _this; player hcSetGroup [_grp]; But get the same thing... Any help would be much appreciated... Thanks in advance. 🙂