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Everything posted by Over30gaming

  1. Over30gaming

    DualArms - Two Primary Weapons

    Is it possible to add the KKIV? Steam link and A3Launcher has approved the mod https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=933340798
  2. For some reason I cannot specify an IP in my dos batch file like so -ip=xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx the server will error out with Cannot start host on port 2302, if I take out -ip=xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx server starts up just fine. Any thoughts? here is the link to where the command says it should work https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Startup_Parameters#Server_Options
  3. Over30gaming

    Specify IP address for server

    I figured out that if that IP is not configured under the ethernet properties it will not load the server
  4. For some reason I cannot specify an IP in my dos batch file like so -ip=xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx the server will error out with Cannot start host on port 2302, if I take out -ip=xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx server starts up just fine. Any thoughts?
  5. Over30gaming

    Specify IP address for server

    here is the link to where the command says it should work https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Startup_Parameters#Server_Options