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Everything posted by iSassafras

  1. Hey guys, I made a small units pack mod for a mission I've been working on. The units are basically copies of RHS units but with different displayNames. For some reason, my dedicaded server seems to not recognize the units when I create them during the mission and I don't understand why. Here's what happens: If I use the "typeOf" command for an AI unit in my group locally, it will return the correct class name I set up within my mod. However, if I execute this command on the server, it returns nothing, not even an empty string. This only happens with units of my mod, others will return the correct class names. This leads to a range of problems, e.g. the mission's scripts will not count the number of units in my squad correctly and therefore do things that are not intended. The mod is signed and installed on all clients and the server. Here's what the config of my mod looks like: class CfgPatches { class OS_unitsPack { author="Sassafras"; requiredVersion=0.1; requiredAddons[]= { "rhsusf_c_troops" }; weapons[]={}; units[]= { "OS_USAF_loadmaster", "OS_USArmy_AAspecialist", "OS_USArmy_autorifleman", "OS_USArmy_combatEngineer", "OS_USArmy_designatedMarksman", "OS_USArmy_EODspecialist", "OS_USArmy_heliCrewChief", "OS_USArmy_heliPilot_AH64", "OS_USArmy_JTAC", "OS_USArmy_spotter", "OS_USArmy_tankCrewman", "OS_USMC_AAspecialist", "OS_USMC_autorifleman", "OS_USMC_EODtech", "OS_USMC_heliCrewChief", "OS_USMC_heliPilot_AH1", "OS_USMC_JTAC", "OS_USMC_rifleman", "OS_USMC_scoutSniper", "OS_USMC_tankCrewman", "OS_USN_SEAL_autorifleman", "OS_USN_SEAL_breacher", "OS_USN_SEAL_corpsman", "OS_USN_SEAL_engineer", "OS_USN_SEAL_EODtech", "OS_USN_SEAL_grenadier", "OS_USN_SEAL_JTAC", "OS_USN_SEAL_rifleman_lightAT", "OS_USN_SEAL_sniper" }; }; }; class CfgEditorSubcategories { class OS_NAVSPECWARCOM { displayName="Infantry (NAVSPECWARCOM)"; }; }; class UniformSlotInfo; class CfgVehicles { class rhsusf_airforce_pilot; class OS_USAF_loadmaster: rhsusf_airforce_pilot { author="Sassafras"; displayName="Loadmaster"; }; class rhsusf_army_ocp_aa; class OS_USArmy_AAspecialist: rhsusf_army_ocp_aa { author="Sassafras"; displayName="AA Specialist"; }; class rhsusf_army_ocp_autorifleman; class OS_USArmy_autorifleman: rhsusf_army_ocp_autorifleman { author="Sassafras"; displayName="Automatic Rifleman"; }; It goes on and on after that but you get the idea. I'd say I'm on an average or above level in mission scripting but I don't get the hang of modding. What did I miss here? Edit: I can also create units of my mod locally but not on the server.
  2. Turns out my mod was written perfectly fine. I had my mod in the Steam workshop as "not listed". This is enough so me and my friends can install it and my server also seems to recognize that there is "something" but it won't install it. Found this out executing the commands getLoadedModsInfo and allAddonsInfo locally and on my server. So the solution is: Mods need to be public in order to enable servers like mine (4Netplayers) to properly install it from the Steam workshop.
  3. Hey guys and Merry Christmas! I'm using a continuous set of colors for the titles of addAction commands or hints throughout my mission. Since it's always the same four colors I use, I would like to use public variables containing a string with their hex codes, but I can't make it work. Do you have any suggestions? For example, right now I use a format command like this: format ["Request <t color='#ED0C3B'>%1</t>", _text] I tried using it like this: OS_red = "#ED0C3B"; publicVariable "OS_red"; format ["Request <t color=%1>%2</t>", OS_red, _text]; But the text isn't colored this way. I guess because the quotes get removed before format inserts the content of my variable into the text?
  4. I see! Sorry, I misread your message. Thanks for the help!
  5. iSassafras

    Player & AI Re-Spawn

    Hey man, glad I could help! 🙂 Keeping the loadout is not a problem, I'm a little insecure about the varname but I think this should solve both your problems: private _unit = this; private _unitType = typeOf this; private _spawnPosition = getPos this; private _group = group this; private _varName = vehicleVarName this; private _loadout = getUnitLoadout this; _unit setVariable ["AIrespawnData",[_unitType, _spawnPosition, _group, _varName, _loadout]]; // Save data to the unit so it can be used for respawn _unit addEventHandler ["Killed", { params ["_unit", "_killer", "_instigator", "_useEffects"]; private _respawn = { private _unit = _this select 0; private _unitType = _unit getVariable ["AIrespawnData",[]] select 0; private _spawnPosition = _unit getVariable ["AIrespawnData",[]] select 1; private _group = _unit getVariable ["AIrespawnData",[]] select 2; private _varName = _unit getVariable ["AIrespawnData",[]] select 3; private _loadout = _unit getVariable ["AIrespawnData",[]] select 4; sleep 60; // Respawn delay in seconds if (isNull _group) then {_group = createGroup [west, true]}; // west = Bluefor --> see here: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Side _unit = _group createUnit [_unitType, _spawnPosition, [], 0, "NONE"]; _unit setUnitLoadout _loadout; [_unit, _varName] remoteExec ["setVehicleVarName",0]; missionNamespace setVariable [_varName, _unit, true]; }; [_unit] spawn _respawn; }]; Hope it works! Cheers.
  6. Yeah, I just tried it. If I use parseText any addAction will return an error saying it expected string not text. Any other suggestions?
  7. I tried that already, it didn't work. But thanks anway! Right! Thank you! Why didn't I come up with this? Lol. Gotta try if works for addAction titles too.
  8. Hey man, Merry Christmas! I don't know how you do it right now, but you can do that in CfgFunctions of the description.ext of your mission. You have to create a folder called "functions" in your main mission folder. You can then add subfolders into the functions folder, e.g. I have a folder called "init" in it. You then have to create a corresponding structure in the description.ext, for example: class CfgFunctions { class OS // My function tag, so all functions will beginn with OS_fnc_ { class init // Subfolder in the functions folder { class A10_loiterLoop {}; class init_virtualArsenal {}; }; }; }; Hope that helps you out. Cheers!
  9. iSassafras

    Player & AI Re-Spawn

    Hey man, Merry Christmas! 🙂 Your first problem sounds like you didn't set up your multiplayer settings correctly. When in the editor, go to the multiplayer settings (top of the screen), there are some conditions you might have to check/uncheck, e.g. ending the mission if all players are dead. For the second, I came up with a basic AI revive script a few weeks ago, which should work in your case. Just put this in the init field of the AI you wish to respawn. private _unit = this; private _unitType = typeOf this; private _spawnPosition = getPos this; private _group = group this; _unit setVariable ["AIrespawnData",[_unitType, _spawnPosition, _group]]; // Save data to the unit so it can be used for respawn _unit addEventHandler ["Killed", { params ["_unit", "_killer", "_instigator", "_useEffects"]; private _respawn = { private _unit = _this select 0; private _unitType = _unit getVariable ["AIrespawnData",[]] select 0; private _spawnPosition = _unit getVariable ["AIrespawnData",[]] select 1; private _group = _unit getVariable ["AIrespawnData",[]] select 2; sleep 60; // Respawn delay in seconds if (isNull _group) then {_group = createGroup [west, true]}; // west = Bluefor --> see here: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Side _group createUnit [_unitType, _spawnPosition, [], 0, "NONE"]; }; [_unit] spawn _respawn; }]; Hope this works for you, I haven't tested exactly this. I'm using a slightly more complicated version of these lines in my scripts and it works fine. You can adjust the respawn time as you wish with the "sleep" command and you might have to change the side from "west" to something else if the respawning unit is not Bluefor. Cheers!
  10. Hey man, that's possible! 🙂 You just need to add more "playSound3D" lines into the loop for each track you would like to play and keep in mind to add a "sleep" command after each of them. The number after sleep is the time in seconds the loop should wait before continuing, in this case you should at least let it sleep for the duration of the previous track.
  11. Hey guys, the title pretty much says it already. I feel kind of stupid for asking this, but I couldn’t figure it out from the wiki. The BIS wiki says the init.sqf is being executed on every machine before the mission starts and JIP clients will also execute it. But does that mean it‘s just executed once on every machine or will a JIP trigger it again for everyone? I‘m asking because my mission has some scripts and variables that need to run on every machine, but it‘s important they only run once and only local.
  12. Thank your very much for the reply! That makes it a lot easier. I had some identical lines in initPlayerLocal.sqf and initServer.sqf and everytime I changed something in one of them I had to keep in mind to also do it in the other. Using the init.sqf will make it a lot easier. 🙂
  13. I see. Sorry, I missed that you wanted to keep these inside your vehicle. There aren't any commands called "cargo" or "passengers" as far as I know, so that's probably why it's throwing up errors. In this case I'd suggest you find out which assigned roles of your vehicle you don't wish to empty. You could assume that the copilot is the vehicle commander and both door gunners are assigned as gunner, but out of my experience this is not always the case, so you better find it out manually using assignedVehicleRole. I'd just start a mission and get into the role of your heli which you don't want to empty, e.g. the pilot. Then you can type "assignedVehicleRole player" into your admin console. This should return ["Driver"] when you're the pilot. Save the return somewhere, e.g. in a text file on your desktop. Repeat this step for all the vehicle roles you don't want to empty. Then you'll have to filter the array which you're running the forEach for a bit further, e.g.: forEach ((crew vehicle player) select {(!isPlayer _x) and !(assignedVehicleRole _x isEqualTo ["Driver"])}) You'll have to add the "and !(assignedVehicleRole ..." phrase for every vehicle role you have saved in your text file and replace the ["Driver"] accordingly. Keep in mind that this will possibly only work correctly for this one specific type of vehicle. It's a bit of a dirty method but it should do the trick.
  14. Hey man, have you found a solution already? I think you just need to change the second parameter of the forEach. Try this: forEach ((crew vehicle player) select {!isPlayer _x}) This should eject every AI that's in your vehicle.
  15. iSassafras

    United States Air Force Mod (2019)

    Hello guys and thank you for the amazing content you are providing! Your mods are definitely among my most favorites. I've provided CAS with your F-35 and A-10 for a while and I noticed that the targeting camera is often having a hard time maintaing a point lock. It seems to get worse the faster you fly, sometimes it even loses track of a target completely and starts watching in the entirely wrong direction. This makes using laser-guided weapons quite unreliable sometimes and as much as I love flying your planes, this feels really unpredictable and makes it quite annyoing after some time. I wanted to know if this is intentional/somewhat realistic behaviour or more a bug you are going to fix? I also noticed that you hear a cracking noise in the cockpit of the A-10 for every bullet you shoot with the GAU-8. It sounds exactly like when you're taking shots. This is not the case when shooting with the Wipeout, the RHS A-10 or the Firewill A-10, so I guess that there is a problem with the muzzle of your model? It might just be a few inches too close to the pilot seat. Apart from that, I also wanted to suggest that you could add a HMD to the A-10 and the F-22 as well. As far as I know, they both use a Scorpion system in real life, which provides some basic information. First, it would make the TGT pod head tracking of the A-10 a lot easier if you actually had some kind of crosshairs. Second, I feel like your F-22 is quite inferior in dog fights, compared to your own F-35 or other fighter mods, because you always have to line up with your target in order to get a lock on it. Thank you and keep up the great work!
  16. Hi guys! I started scripting a few months ago (what else to do in quarantine, right?), so I'm still quite new at this. I already understand a lot of Arma stuff, been scripting quite a bit, but I can't really get the hang of locality. I hope you can help me! Recently, I started using Grimes' Simple Revive Script for my mission. This script basically uses a HandleDamage Event Handler to set a unit unconscious and makes it invulnerable once it reached fatal damage. Other players and AI will then be able to approach the unit and either help or kill it via action menu. I changed some of the scripted AI behaviour and now I started messing with the Event Handler itself because I didn't really like the way you had to deal with every single AI unit once you shot them. My goal is to make it impossible for players to die by any source except when their bleed out time is exceeded. They should always drop unconscious first after which they can decide to respawn or to wait for help. In contrast, I want AI to drop unconscious by the first shot that would've been fatal (excluding headshots) and then be killable by any further damage. I came up with some lines of code that, in theory, do exactly what I want. The Event Handler gets added to every player by onPlayerRespawn. I attach a variable to the player to make sure they will only get the Event Handler the first time they respawn. As far as I know, onPlayerRespawn is executed locally, so this means that the Event Handler should be running on the player's machine, right? Anyway, this is the code that my "HandleDamage" Event Handler is executing: params ["_unit", "_selection", "_damage", "_source", "_projectile", "_hitIndex", "_instigator", "_hitPoint"]; if (_selection in ["arms", "hands", "legs"]) then // Make units sustain more damage to their extremities { private _oldExtremities = _unit getHit _selection; private _newExtremities = _damage - _oldExtremities; _damage = ((_newExtremities * 0.3) + _oldExtremities); }; if ((_damage >= 1) or (damage _unit >= 1)) then // Unit received fatal damage, determine what to do next { if (isPlayer _unit) then // In case of player, limit the damage so he/she doesn't die. { _damage = 0.9; _unit setDamage 0.9; _unit allowDamage false; }; // If the unit hasn't been unconscious already, make it unconscious. // Exception: The unit is NOT a player and received fatal damage to it's head or face. In this case, the unit should die right away. if (!(_unit getVariable ["G_Incapacitated",false]) and ((isPlayer _unit) or (!(isPlayer _unit) and (_selection != "head") and (_selection != "face_hub")))) then { _damage = 0.9; _unit setDamage 0.9; if (isPlayer _unit) then {_unit allowDamage false}; [_unit,_instigator] spawn G_fnc_enterIncapacitatedState; [_unit, side _unit, _instigator] spawn G_fnc_onKill; // Announces that a unit has been incapacitated }; } else { // Damage wasn't fatal, so check how much the unit is damaged. If damage reached the threshold, make the unit heal itself or make medics help them. if ((local _unit) and (damage _unit >= 0.4) and (damage _unit < 0.9) and !(_unit getVariable ["OS_healingActive",false])) then {[_unit] spawn _startHealing}; }; // Helper for debugging, to track where and how damage was received: // [format ["OS_Debug: %1, dmg %2/%3: %4 | overall dmg: %5",name _unit, _selection, _hitPoint, _damage toFixed 2, damage _unit toFixed 2]] remoteExec ["systemChat", _unit, false]; _damage It may be worth noting that G_fnc_enterIncapacitatedState does a isDamageAllowed check within it's first lines. If it returns 'true' and the unit is a player, it will set allowDamage to 'false'. Now, this seems to be working perfectly every time I host the mission out of the Eden Editor for testing. I ran over mines and grenades, used Zeus to drop lightning, bombs, rockets and what not on my poor character. I will always drop unconscious and won't die. However, when I upload the mission to my dedicaded server for testing with a friend, it doesn't work as inteded anymore. It seems I still can't kill myself with anything the Zeus menu has to offer, but my friend or enemy AI units still can, under some circumstances. For instance, I will just die right away without even entering the scripted incapacitated state when being shot by a .50 cal or if he drops Zeus lightning on me. On the other hand, if he is shooting me "carefully" with a handgun or a M4, I will drop unconscious and be invulnerable as intended. So this left me with the thought that the EH doesn't execute properly when a unit receives damage from a source which is not local to the unit's machine. I just don't understand it because the wiki says that "HandleDamage" gets executed globally. What am I missing? Any advice? 😞
  17. Hey man, thanks for the reply! You're right, adding the Event Handler in initPlayerLocal is definitely the more elegant way to do it. I don't know why I didn't come up with it myself, haha. Thanks for the tip! Anyways, I was actually able to solve my problem. It seems it wasn't a locality problem at all, I was just messing with the damage values to much or in a wrong order. In case you're interested, this is my new code: params ["_unit", "_selection", "_damage", "_source", "_projectile", "_hitIndex", "_instigator", "_hitPoint"]; if ((_damage >= 1) or (damage _unit >= 1)) then // Unit received fatal damage, determine what to do next { if ((isPlayer _unit) and (_unit getVariable ["G_Incapacitated",false])) then // In case of already incapacitated player, limit the damage so he/she doesn't die. { _damage = 0.9; _unit setDamage 0.9; }; // If the unit hasn't been unconscious already, make it unconscious. // Exception: The unit is NOT a player and received fatal damage to it's head or face. In this case, the unit should die right away. if ((local _unit) and !(_unit getVariable ["G_Incapacitated",false]) and ((isPlayer _unit) or (!(isPlayer _unit) and (_selection != "head") and (_selection != "face_hub")))) then { _damage = 0.9; _unit setDamage 0.9; [_unit,_instigator] spawn G_fnc_enterIncapacitatedState; // Make unit incapacitated. This will trigger near AI to help. [_unit, side _unit, _instigator] spawn G_fnc_onKill; // Announces that a unit has been incapacitated }; } else { if (_selection in ["arms", "hands", "legs"]) then // Make units sustain more damage to their extremities { private _oldExtremities = _unit getHit _selection; private _newExtremities = _damage - _oldExtremities; _damage = ((_newExtremities * 0.3) + _oldExtremities); }; // Damage wasn't fatal, so check how much the unit is damaged in general. If damage reached the threshold, make the unit heal itself (AI only) or make medics help them. if ((local _unit) and (damage _unit >= 0.4) and (damage _unit < 0.9) and !(_unit getVariable ["OS_healingActive",false])) then {[_unit] spawn _startHealing}; }; // Helper for debugging, to track where and how damage was received: // [format ["OS_Debug: %1, dmg %2/%3: %4 | overall dmg: %5",name _unit, _selection, _hitPoint, _damage toFixed 2, damage _unit toFixed 2]] remoteExec ["systemChat", _unit, false]; _damage