Yeah!!!! I'm so HAPPY to hear this news in South Korea from this far away. 😆
I'm getting some help from the translator, so I hope you understand even if my words are awkward.😅
I first played OFP about 20 years ago when I was 9. that was too harsh and difficult in that age, but I've completed all the missions, including the resistance scenario. and it was so memorable for me that I still played sometimes when I became an adult. I've been playing until ARMA3, but I had a dream to play CWC mode in Korean like 20 years ago.
So I spent a few nights Googled, and finally opened the pbo file and added Korean to the stringable file and was doing translation work. (it works well !!) And the 1985 scenario is almost done! 😀
When I found this discussion at google. I'm so glad, but I have few question.
1. I translated the 1985 scenario based on CWC, (by CUP team) but I wonder if there is a change in the stringtable file in the mode being prepared?
2. The Resistance scenario wasn't included in the CWC yet, what mode is the Resistance scenario based on?
3. Do you have any plans to remake the single mission? ex)Still the Car, ground attack, etc.
If the stringtable file of 1985 scenario is not modified, I hope I can play your mode happily by applying my own language. If you produce your own resistance scenario without the mode you refer to, I will finish the 1985 scenario and stop translating until you release the mode.
Whatever your answer may be, I'm willing to cheer and wait for your work. Thank you for your challenge.