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Everything posted by LukasKr

  1. Hello fellow Arma3-Editors, Obilgatory im am relativly new at editing and scripting in Arma3, I have been trying over the past few days to improve a Vehicles top speed (in this case an SDV's). I attempted to use the setVelocity script from example 2: _vel = velocity _vehicle; _dir = direction _vehicle; _speed = 10; comment "Added speed"; _vehicle setVelocity [ (_vel select 0) + (sin _dir * _speed), (_vel select 1) + (cos _dir * _speed), (_vel select 2) ]; modified it slightly for the need, but never got it to work the way i intended it to: a permant speed increase when the SDV is used. So the question that i have is a two-parter: 1. Can i achive my goal of giving the vehicle a permanent speed-buff only in the editor without needing to write seperate scripts? 2. No matter if the answer to the first question is yes or no, i kindly asked to be told which steps i need to take to achieve this
  2. this of course complicates things since im trying to implement this in a multiplayer-mission, thanks for the advice ill look into it🙂