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About FluffyPlays

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  1. @oldbear I ran the benchmark that you recommended me to test on sept 23 and I got https://gyazo.com/ac7570e2276cc448fe2231285e5da2dd I had steam, msi afterburner, and discord open. My settings are https://gyazo.com/259146a6b849da3f7be31261fdf5bb24 https://gyazo.com/dfa0d1c13b0555a3dde892a71a2bdf91 https://gyazo.com/99e994df19df79337a6a002123c650e7
  2. Idk if this is the right place for this but I have been having major fps issues lately and I don't know why. A few months back around February I used to run arma 3 at 1080p 60fps+. Now I cant even get above 30 without studders without mods and just playing any missions. My specs are CPU: Intel i7 6700 GPU: GTX 1660 Super Ram: 16GB DDR4 2666Mhz SSD: Kingston 120GB PSU: 650 Watt 80+ Bronze If anyone can help me I don't know why I am having such bad fps, I have tried changing settings, to high, to low. I have tried setting parameters for better performance. I have tried the profiling version, no help there. I have also set a custom performance power plan. I have set my nvidia control pannel settings for performance. And after all of this, I can still not get above 30 fps on a singleplayer campaign, or anything else.
  3. FluffyPlays

    [HELP] Game FPS Issues

  4. FluffyPlays

    [HELP] Game FPS Issues

    What is the speed mhz of your ram? 2666 Mhz What kind of PSU do you have how many watts? 650Watt 80+ bronze Your hard drive its a HDD as in a disc or an SSD? I have it on a HDD How recent was the change in fps, was it like this when you got your new gpu, or have you noticed anything else prior before the fps starting getting or got worse? There have been no changes to my system I just installed the game again, and now my fps is very low with the same hardware I had before, and before I used to get 60s to 80s on high and very high. What are your video settings set at, more especially the view distance, and object distance? My video settings are 2000 overall 700 object and 100 shadows, with high and very high settings because that is what gives me the most fps. When you are playing and experiencing the FPS loss, or lower fps what are you playing? - On a server, public server like Koth, in editor, in own mission, in downloaded mission? I am getting bad fps losses on singleplayer, and multiplayer even on the editor. When your playing whats happening when you notice the fps loss, is it after explosions, spawning of alot of AI, looking at certain things? It just lags with no AI without any AI or cars I got around 50 but if I spawn a single car in the editor it drops to 30 and below. Does this happen in vanilla, with mods or both? Both. Can you provide an rpt of your latest game with the low fps, your rpt can be found here ---> C:\Users\your username\AppData\Local\Arma 3 https://justpaste.it/6dyxw Here is also a screenshot with my settings on autodetect on the Old Man scenario https://gyazo.com/c8b40be3e2a66ee3a33364b265283025
  5. FluffyPlays

    [HELP] Game FPS Issues

    I am having very bad fps issues with my game, and I have spent days troubleshooting it and trying to fix it. I have an intel i7 6700, GTX 1660 Super, 16gb ram, and I have my game downloaded on a hard drive. I am getting low 10s to high 20s, and never going above 25. I have set my nvidia control panel options to the most optimized, I have set my power plan to an optimized power plan, I have set my Arma config file to the most optimized settings as well, but my game is still unplayable. If you know what is wrong with my game and can help please comment or you can contact me on discord as well FluffyPlays22#6764 My drivers are also up to date. I also used to get high 60s to 80s a year ago, on the same CPU but worse GPU.