Hi all,
I have been struggling with setting up predefined spawn locations for dms bandit missions. Currently the bandit missions all spawn on the south west island on Tanoa map. This is what the code in my config.sqf looks like:
/*Mission spawn location settings*/
DMS_UsePredefinedMissionLocations = true; // Whether or not to use a list of pre-defined mission locations instead before attempting to find a random (valid) position. The positions will still be checked for validity. If none of the provided positions are valid, a random one will be generated.
DMS_PredefinedMissionLocations = [ // List of Preset/Predefined mission locations.
[2363,13418,13.45], // position1: z = 13.45 nw-island airport
[2828,12235,122.8], // position2: z = 122.8 nw-island mountains
[843,7676,2.77], // position3: z = 2.77 w-island north
[3765,5832,45.38], // position4: z = 45.38 w-island south
[2125,3442,12.95], // position5: z = 12.95 sw-island airport
[4950,2095,100.1], // position6: z = 100.1 sw-island center
[5234,4878,2.7], // position7: z = 2.7 sw-island north
[11745,3145,4.87], // position8: z = 4.87 se-island airport
[11047,3984,108], // position9: z = 108 se-island center
[12867,4682,2.8] // position10: z = 2.8 se-island doodstil