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Everything posted by denizzcerrah

  1. I looked at Armaholic but I guess it's closed. What can I do? Which website can help to me?
  2. Allright, this is a good news 😄 But I don' t know how can I do this... I am too noob in coding. Can you help me about respawning as a group in single player mission?
  3. I got it. I can' t use Jebus for playable units. But my question is there is any way to respawn my player unit and him AI unit group on a marker? I know I can' t do this using with Jebus.
  4. Ok, I got it. So how can I success that? I want to just respawn on a marker with my player and my AI group when my player die in a single player mission.
  5. @dreadpirate Hello! Firstly, you did really an amazing job! Very very thank you for Jebus. But I have a question about respawning of my group and my player in game. Can I do respawn point for my player and my AI group with Jebus in a single player mission? If I can, how can I do? If you can help me I feel very good. I've been working on this for days. Thank you in advance for your answer and I apologize for my English. I hope I was able to explain my problem. Have a good days!