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Everything posted by evagreenstatas

  1. Hey all, I'm rather new to Arma 3 editing and the whole pbo editing kind of thing and I am hopelessly lost in how to resolve an error in a faction I'm creating using the Alive Orbat. I'm sorry if I'm posting all of this in the wrong place and I hope I'm forgiven if I am. The issue I seem to be having is a 'member already defined' error code, specifically ' File test/CfgPatches.hpp, line 1729: /CfgVehicles.B_USAForceRecon_Rifleman_Anti_Tank_Woodland_01: Member already defined.' Again, I'm hopelessly lost in how to resolve this and this if probably my 4th time trying to rebuild the faction, which is all Infantry. Any help would be great and any additional information I can get or provide will be immensely useful.
  2. Yep, sorry about that, I'm not quite sure of forums and their features. So an example would be something like 'B_USAForceRecon_Rifleman_Anti_Tank_Woodland_01_Bravo' in the CfgVehicles?
  3. Here is the complete .hpp for the Cfg as well