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Sven Svenson

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Posts posted by Sven Svenson

  1. If they want to encourage players to not kill each other then they need to de-incentiveize killing other players. No XP or negative XP for killing unarmed players, players at a lower level, or players that waved at you. Maybe make it impossible for people who wave to each other to kill each other. They should also get rid of achievements that reward killing other players like "5 kills from within 10m.'

    My question is about ambushes:

    When is ambushing a player acceptable? I've been shot by people camping near the radio tower or the safe. I've been gunned down as I climb the stairs in a building. I've been shot in the back by a sniper with no warning. I've had plenty of times where I died with zero chance of running away or fighting back.

    But I shot some dude climbing out of a hunting tower and he sent me a very salty DM. So is killing someone on a ladder considered dirty pool? With all the times I've been bushwhacked by other players my reading is that it's no holds barred.
