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Alucard Streaming

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Everything posted by Alucard Streaming

  1. I have a mission where 6 players own a couple of 'BOT' AI units, as allies in the team. 1Player - 4 Bot. Now as during several firefights many of these will die and the campaign is long enough, and here I thought to insert some scrypt to be able to add bots in an already formed group, where the boss is a player. The problem is that the ACE mod is installed, and I press the right button to enter the new group of 'IA' bots, unfortunately it happens that I lose the previous surviving team, that is, the one I previously had. If I have 1 bot left for example, this one stays out, as the player just joins another 'Bot' team unfortunately he cannot recall the other survivors in his old group. I think there will be a way to unify the groups, but I still haven't found anything. Thanks in advance to those who could help me.
  2. Alucard Streaming

    join two AI groups even if one already has 1 group

    Unfortunately it happens that if a player is absent, with this command, the missing player who becomes bot, takes control and goes to turn half the map to regroup with the other group. I'm thinking if I use a trigger it would perhaps be more suitable. Am I wrong?
  3. Alucard Streaming

    join two AI groups even if one already has 1 group

    yes, I know those commands well .. but what happens if a player dies and changes character remaining in the same 'Team alpha 1-1' Do you lose the group that had just joined before?
  4. Alucard Streaming

    join two AI groups even if one already has 1 group

    no I would need such a thing, for example a player of any team arrives at a base and from there takes a team of bots to add it to his. So he'll have like his previous bots plus he should add another team to his team. The problem is that I can't find the button that does it, because it asks me before I leave my team and then after I join another team.
  5. I would like to create a home server that will serve to connect 5 people to the network. I am familiar with the Tadst and Fast2 program but I was unable to start it perhaps because I used the same Steam account. Will that be the problem? The problem is that on the Arma 3 luncher you don't see the Server, but on Tadst it says that everything is fine. The test was done on two computers with the same account. Maybe that's the problem? Do I have to buy a second Arma3 license?
  6. Alucard Streaming

    I'd like to give all players limited respawn

    Perfect everything works, you have been great👌😊
  7. Goodmorning everyone I would like to insert a respawn limit to the players, but also to the allied bots for example two lives each.
  8. Alucard Streaming

    I'd like to give all players limited respawn

    Exactly, until we solve the respawn problem, we have to adapt differently .... hoping that there will be some other person who intervenes here and maybe he has already had the same problem and has also solved it 🙂
  9. Alucard Streaming

    I'd like to give all players limited respawn

    What if to get around this problem I used instant respawn on the place where I died? I would solve?
  10. Alucard Streaming

    I'd like to give all players limited respawn

    If it gets too complicated I can safely leave the respawn only to the players and let the idea of the allied bot respawn lose. Both of us the only important thing is the respawn of the players with the personalized inventory that we put, we would not want to lose something during our death, then clearly it is fine even if during the mission we run out of grenades or ammunition for us it is not a problem, as we have included in the map of the stores where there are ammunition.
  11. Alucard Streaming

    I'd like to give all players limited respawn

    Unfortunately, now I am creating another type of preoblem with this respawn, as I have already equipped the soldiers with their weapons, types of ammunition, bandages etc ... this type of respawn: if (isServer) then { {[_x, 2, false] call BIS_fnc_respawnTickets} forEach playableUnits; }; Now this happens to me in pretty much changes all the equipment of the players as they come into play, and everything I put in the backpack vanishes. Why?
  12. Alucard Streaming

    I'd like to give all players limited respawn

    You have been of great help, thank you very much🤩
  13. Alucard Streaming

    I'd like to give all players limited respawn

    And this happened, since some of my friends made a somewhat strange request, that is, a mission of durability between 3 or 4 hours so quite long. Subsequently the problem of restarting the Server was born in case of no player connected, but luckily I solved this problem. Now since the mission is quite difficult for us knowing that there are 6 checkpoints to do on the map and therefore we have against two ambushes by the enemies along the way, two outposts to conquer, a military base large enough to conquer, and a city to to take. These were their requests, but now the problem remains that since we are few we would need support and I thought about the bots by placing them in the group. Now my question is this: Do these Bots have the chance to reappear in the group after they die having a life limit? (for example two life tickets).
  14. Alucard Streaming

    I'd like to give all players limited respawn

    Since I had this problem of the limit of the lives I simply set the bots in playable mode. Then player and bot (playable mode) to prevent the game from ending quickly. Then, I gave the bots the grades: Colonello - Maggiore - Lieutenant. At least once the player has died, the player can take control of the bot with the highest rank in order to take control of his team and continue the game. so the total that I put are 12 players of which 8 bots belongs to each player (12 * 8). If I manage to set up the scrypt well thanks to your help, I will be able to halve the extra bots and players. I would have done something like this: 6 players with 8 bots for each player (6 * 8 making the game less heavy. As a respawn I use the simple one as for now I don't know several. I use the button with the two arrows from the editor the normal one. As you may have understood, I am a beginner, to be able to continue with the mission I have inserted the bots in the "playable" mode in order to also take their place, this because I did not know how to set the respwn limit for the players.
  15. Alucard Streaming

    I'd like to give all players limited respawn

    In the mission that I created as there are only a few about 6 or 8 players each of them has 8 bots synchronized this to make a larger team. I wanted to make sure that if a player dies or a bot dies, they will recover twice before finally dying. Always if it could be done.
  16. Alucard Streaming

    I'd like to give all players limited respawn

    ok, now I just have to figure out if this command should be inserted somewhere in the Arma 3 editor. Or I have to insert this text into a notepad ++, save it via sqf, and insert it in the mpmission folder and then recall it in the Arma 3 editor to make it work.